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condiment Bhut Jolokia BBQ sauce recipe?

So I randomly found some dried bhut Jolokia pods at a specialty food type store. I went ahead and bought them with plans of using them for BBQ sauce. Does anyone have a recipe they like?
can't wait to try this one myself. Rum, Fire $ Brimstone BBQ Sauce from Spirit of Bermuda cookbook.

*1 6oz. can tomato paste
*1/4 C. molasses
*3 Tbsp. brown sugar
*1/2 C. Gosling's Black Seal Rum
*3 cloves garlic
*generous pinch allspice
*2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
*2 Tbsp. soy sauce
*4-6 dried Bhut Jolokia

combine all ingredients in food processor and pulse until smooth. Pour into heavy bottomed pot and bring to boil. Simmer 2 minutes and remove from heat. cool completely and cover. If refrigerated, will keep for months. Enjoy!