I was growing this and trying to create a bonsai over the growing season. I would pinch off any leave that got over the size of a quarter and it seemed to regulate it's height itself. I got this plant as a seedling along with two others that grew to 3 feet or so.
I harvested one earlier, and it has three on it now. It's approximately 8 inches tall now. I wasn't really going for pod growth, just something different. This is it's first year, so hopefully I can keep it small. I really like the small leaves, all are only 1/2-1 inch.
I had it growing outside with all my other potted peppers in 5 gallon lowes buckets. I moved it inside approximately a month ago and trimmed the roots and repotted to a small pot. Right now I have them under two 4 foot shop lights with my orchids. I think that I am going to try this with all my overwintered superhots. It's not like I go through lots of those peppers anyway.