I havent seen the contests personally, but have watched them before on video. I believe last years winner was 9 bhuts. I think that was the 5 min. Ill have to check and find out. All I know is that yellow 7 was a monster. Like it was getting revenge on me or something. Ridiculous. Caught me offguard for sure. Ill be ready next time.
If I do the contest, I think Im just gonna go head first. As soon as the timer starts, just start putting em in and chewing. Not looking back until the buzzer goes off! The Bhuts I can handle. Some of the 7 pod varieties I have had seem to catch me more. I know they have different amounts and types of concentration. Not sure which one it is that gets the best of me. Some 7s arent that bad, whereas, some are like hell in my skull! Not the case with bhuts. They seem to always be the same to me. Dont get me wrong, they are most definitely hot, but I am more accustomed to them I guess.
As for the pickles, it has been a good while, and I have since eaten a few and had a buddy of mine have some too. Really good. I ended up takin some out and poking at em with a fork a few times just to puncture a little for more "soakage" as my buddy Mike says. Then I added another bhut. Coming along nicely. Probably going to make a large batch soon. For those interested, Ill probably have some up for sampling.