yield Bhut Jolokia. No yield until second season.

I had the same problem with my plant, it did good last year, but this year i have gotten 6 peppers off it and its been outside and transplanted since feburay. It had a ton of flowers on it but they all dropped, but i did read that once its gets over 90F they don't like it that much. I know it just finally getting now where the high is 88ish so I am hoping they will start producing. All my other plants have done great, just my ghost peppers are the ones that are little slow.
With all this talk about miracle grow I thought i'd throw in ny two cents. You all should check out fish immulsion (sp?) It's basically ground up fish, it'll be a brown Goo that smells like death. You put about a tablespoon in a quart of water and water your plants with it. The place I bought my jolokias from swears by it and it work perfectly on my plants.
Geez, my mind is blown...so you just paint over each flower and the contact with each pepper pollinates the next one you brush?

Yes that is exactly right. I may be doing mulitple plants of the same variety at the same time, but when I go to pollinate a different type of pepper, I wash off the brush real well and prepare it for the next variety. There are many times that I am brushing about 300 flowers each morning (multiple plants)and it takes about 10 minutes to do it all. Even for pepper types that seem to self pollinate well on their own, I have noticed that I am still getting many more peppers to set by doing it by hand, and when Butch T seeds are going for $1 each on the internet, that means that every extra pepper you get is worth and extra $40 to $50 each, even if you throw the pepper part away. (which I would never do, I love the little babies too much :lol: )

EDIT: and maybe dumb question, can you paint through the same plant or do different plants have to pollinate each other?

If all you care about is setting peppers, then it is fine to mix plants like you mention because the peppers will look like what they should be whether they are self pollinated or cross pollinated. However, I want to take the seeds from these peppers and plant the seeds, or sell the seeds sometime. If you cross the plants, you will have hybrid plants from those seeds, and may look totally different and produce a wide variety of peppers, no matter what the mother pepper plant looks like.

Also, I have a 7 pot producing about 13 peppers...is that a low yield?

That depends on the size of the plant. If it is a little wimpy thing, then maybe thats fine, but I have been growing about 6 different kindsof peppers and the worse batch of peppers from one flowering cycle has been around 40 to 50.
Yeah I'm thinking I should've transplanted my plant to a bigger pot at some point, but its doing great. It's just a small plant but real healthy.
I had the same problem with my plant, it did good last year, but this year i have gotten 6 peppers off it and its been outside and transplanted since feburay. It had a ton of flowers on it but they all dropped, but i did read that once its gets over 90F they don't like it that much. I know it just finally getting now where the high is 88ish so I am hoping they will start producing. All my other plants have done great, just my ghost peppers are the ones that are little slow.

For me, the peppers are turning red faster, and the peppers are a few scovilles hotter when the outside temps ARE in the 90s. I get my best yields in July and August where 95F for the highs are common all month.
I am not an expert on peppers, but I have found a few things on the internet (other than this forum)that just don't pan out. There is a lot of sites that say you should be growing your pepper plants in full sun. My plants were looking like crap in full sun. They were all washed out looking, and they DID drop a lot of flowers. I kept moving them around from place to place until the plants turned the right color. For me it is at the edge of the canopy of my oak trees, but still some direct sun getting on the plants and most of the time, the sun is slightly filtered through the trees. Beautiful plants and very high yeilds of quality peppers.
Another reason why some people could get a lot of flower drop is not enough water. When its real hot during those 2 bad months, I water first thing in the morning and if the plants look a little droopy by the end of the day, I'll hit them again a bit about 5 to 6 pm. I'm using very well draining soil (so the plants are not getting water logged), because I am using the same mix that I use for cycads, but then I am tweaking the soil with composted manure, to help fertilize the plants, and also using used coffee grounds to also fertilize a bit, but mostly to keep the aphids off the plants.
I don't know if you saw my picture in another post of my Moruga Scorpion plant, but that plant was over 6 feet tall and about 4 feet wide and that was just 3 months after I got the plant, which was 4 inches tall at the time of purchase, and that is without using any store bought fertilizer of any kind. Here is the link to that thread which shows my plant:
With all this talk about miracle grow I thought i'd throw in ny two cents. You all should check out fish immulsion (sp?) It's basically ground up fish, it'll be a brown Goo that smells like death. You put about a tablespoon in a quart of water and water your plants with it. The place I bought my jolokias from swears by it and it work perfectly on my plants.
Yep, I use Alaska brand fish emulsion. All of my plants love it. Good stuff.
Bigger pots mean bigger pepper plants means more peppers. These are 3 bhuts in different sized pots that I planted February of this year.

The one on the left is a far larger plant than the one in the middle.

Bigger pots mean bigger pepper plants means more peppers. These are 3 bhuts in different sized pots that I planted February of this year.

The one on the left is a far larger plant than the one in the middle.

Beautiful plants! Yep, I'll definitely be transferring mine to a bigger container. Thanks for sharing.
Bleh... who the hell cares about "organic?" That's just a way to gouge people of more money for no real benefit.

My compost based garden yields a lot less than my hydroponic garden. Don't forget the "feel good" factor of organic that you pay more for! Thank you for pointing this out. +1.
The first year I tried to grow naga's, they were low yield with tons of blossom drop. The next year I drilled about 60 holes in the sides and bottom of the 5 gallon pot and it took off - I have heard the > 90 degree flower drop issue and truly believe it, however I think as long as the soil can adequately dissipate heat, then this issue resolves. I did te exact same thing from that first year to the second (same seed) and the only difference was the addition of the container holes. My yield on the plant with the container the second year was 187 peppers for that grow season.

From what I've seen, it seems to act similar to the beneficial effects of a smartpot. Just my personal experience anyway.
Increase the pot size and get rid of the Miracle Gro. It isn't flower or pod friendly.

Good luck.

Miracle Gro works just fine compared to not fertilizing at all. Sure there are better things out there, but there's a reason it's the most popular fertilizer available.

And "there's is a Reason" that Apple is making more money than Microsoft... Just because MG is popular does not mean it is good.
You are right, if I lived in on Antarctica and I had no way to compost, I might use MG.

For free, anyone can compost. And the cost of a fish tank bubbler is like what 12$ at Wall Mart. The Biggest veggies In the WORLD are grown with a simple compost Tea, including only Mycorrhizae Spore, Sugars, and Compost. Costing very little money.

Dont listen to me go ask Guru.. or his 6' Fatalii Tree that is Organically Grown.

So lets review,

Price- Organic is cheaper
Effectiveness- Organic grows better
Complication- Is it hard to make compost Tea? NO
Bonus- BioFilm works as a bug repellant

Here is a Vid that will Explain every thing in less than 20 mins.

If I seem like a jerk, I'm sorry. If I seem like a Tree hugging Hippy, fine, better than a wasteful Yuppy :P
Honestly my goal is just to spread the word that organic is not only good, but it is cheap, and Very effective.
Don't believe me, ask Gorge ;)

BTW this last pic isn't breaking the rules, i checked :P
Hey Guru, you should charge for every time that guys shows off your fatalli plant I must have seen him post it in 6 different threads.

A little extra cash could buy you that 200 gallon smart pot in no time.
Hey Guru, you should charge for every time that guys shows off your fatalli plant I must have seen him post it in 6 different threads.

A little extra cash could buy you that 200 gallon smart pot in no time.

:shh: :shh: :shh: :shh: :shh: :shh: :shh:

I hope he takes food stamps...

Its in a YouYube video by MGOLD86 as well lol
Guru is becoming famous for that tree.

@armac I have family that lives in McAllen. humid as a mofo there. I bet the peppers like it?

at the risk of invoking the classic "thats what she said" responce...

wow that thing is huge!
thats what she said!