chinense bhut jolokia pepper source?

i posted a pic of me eating one of these fiery bastards on another forum and someone PMed me about trying to track some of the peppers down for his brother that is a chilihead. he asked if i had a source for the peppers themselves, but when i look around on the forum seems like you would either have to know someone in particular that was growing them, or buy the seeds and grow them yourself.

are there any places that sell the already grown/ready to eat peppers? if it matters, the person lives out in los angeles. i'll PM him and ask if seeds would work, or if he was looking for actual peppers.

thanks. :cheers:
In season you can get fresh peppers from . "In season" won't roll around until about August or September next year, though. They had Bhut Jolokia plants last season, too.

Seeds for Bhuts can be ordered from The Chile Pepper Institute. Seeds for Nagas and Trinidad Scorpions can be ordered from Peppermania.