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Bhut Jolokia question

Why have my Bhut's that sprouted in February not grown at all after producing the second set of leaves? They appear green and healthy just very tiny?
imaguitargod said:
Well, C. Chinense grows slow....but they should grow that slow. Let me guess, you started them in Jiffy Pots.

nope we started them in jiffy pots in a little grow house. :cool:

what is the problem with jiffy pots?

We have transplanted them now to much bigger pots.
Jiffy products are straight peat, which is a poor growing medium on its own, and usually needs pH adjusting as well as constant monitoring of moisture levels
They could be pot bound, not enough light, not enough nutrients (lack of Calcium can stunt a plant, even though it's green and healthy in appearence).
Sigh, and people wonder why I rant and rave about how crappy the Jiffy Pots are.

Transplant them into REAL dirt and give them a little fish emulsion and they should get to growing.
imaguitargod said:
Sigh, and people wonder why I rant and rave about how crappy the Jiffy Pots are.

Transplant them into REAL dirt and give them a little fish emulsion and they should get to growing.

What do you use to start your seedlings in? I used jiffy pots because a lot of people here have had success with them.
Me for one. I started almost all of my plants in Jiffy pots. Started being the key word. Once they broke the surface and stood straight the plant, Jiffy pot and all, went into larger cups with a much better growing medium.

There were a few seeds that didn't germinate at all though.
imaguitargod said:
Sigh, and people wonder why I rant and rave about how crappy the Jiffy Pots are.

Transplant them into REAL dirt and give them a little fish emulsion and they should get to growing.

Fish emulsion?
Hotpeppa said:
from feb and they still have not grown a second set of leaves ?


dump em..

thats way too long

yes they have the second set and even a third set but they are not taller than an inch and a quarter.
imaguitargod said:
Sigh, and people wonder why I rant and rave about how crappy the Jiffy Pots are.

Transplant them into REAL dirt and give them a little fish emulsion and they should get to growing.

already transplanted into real dirt.
well, its always shitty having stunted plants...

its even shittier giving up on the them...

keep at it, and see what happens... always good to learn from for your future seasons...

maybe experiment with it...

but keep in mind that it may be a dud..

keep us posted with the little bad boy !
Omri said:

The first post I included a reply to links on how to grow peppers. In that link it said the best and easiest way to grow seeds is by using a heated jiffy pot greenhouse. I even recall reading a post you made that said you never use jiffy pots, but when I asked what you use and you never replied so I went out and got a jiffy pot and almost all of my seeds sprouted in 3-4 days.