chinense Bhut Jolokia vs Naga Morich vs Naga Dorset

Hmmm. I know there is a theory that all these peppers are the same plant with the locals calling them by different names depending on where they are grown. I dunno.

My Naga Morich and Naga Dorset look alike so far (neither have flowered yet) but the Bhut Jolokias look very different from the Nagas. The leaves of the Bhuts are longer, slimmer and smooth while the Nagas are wider and have that bumpy/crinkled look. Comparing Bhuts to Nagas of the same height, the stems of the Bhuts also look thinner. The differences are not just a matter of size. They actually look like very different plants.

I'll post photos if anyone can point me to the directions on how to do that. Couldn't find it in the FAQ.
ooooo... a real comparison! I hope to grow both Naga M and Bhut J later this year so I am very interested in seeing your pics RedThumb
habman said:
open a free account on then upload pics.
Copy and paste img code.

Thanks H.M. Photos are ready!

Naga Morich close up:

Bhut Jolokia close up:

Note the Bhut has long, slim, smooth leaves; the naga has wider, heart shaped, more crumpled looking leaves.
habman said:
open a free account on then upload pics.
Copy and paste img code.

Hmmm. Ok, I got the photobucket thing figured out but how do I post images within my postings rather than doing it as a link?

I know sometimes there are just so many new postings to look at that I get too lazy to click a link to someone's photos if the image is not visible in the posting so I wouldn't be surprised if some other people are the same.
I will try to post a better more recent picture this evening. I know my Bhut plants are more bushy certainly less leggy than the ones in the picture. I think due to the harsh sun here the plants seem to be growing wider rather than taller and the leaves take a bit more of a roasting causing things to get a bit curly.
These are my Bhut Jolokia, they are just over 12 inches tall
they have actually started putting out flower buds at the top.
I am growing them in straight promix. I live in the tropics (Trinidad).
Got the seeds from NMSU. Planted them around the second week of March.


I have at least two plants of all the so called Naga,Bhuts and so on in my graden. plants started in doors 01-01-07 put in ground 05-28-07. some look a like and some are taller. Will take pictures this week and show. I really think it has to do with the area they are growen in.Just my opion. Frist year to grow them.


lennyk said:
These are my Bhut Jolokia, they are just over 12 inches tall
they have actually started putting out flower buds at the top.
I am growing them in straight promix. I live in the tropics (Trinidad).
Got the seeds from NMSU. Planted them around the second week of March.

Very nice looking plants lennyk.
Then again you got the perfect growing temps.
well its was dry season until a few weeks ago, I had to keep them out of direct sun as the temps were hitting 35C during the day and a couple times they wilted down.
Nows its rainy season so slightly cooler and less chance they get burnt/wilted.

I am looking forward to these peppers, I am getting some of the local 7pod soon but the scorpion seems to be impossible to find.
lennyk said:
These are my Bhut Jolokia, they are just over 12 inches tall
they have actually started putting out flower buds at the top.
I am growing them in straight promix. I live in the tropics (Trinidad).
Got the seeds from NMSU. Planted them around the second week of March.

My BJ's seem to be growing more bushy rather than taller. Do you think the hot dry climate is the reason mine dont have such large leaves. They dont really look that much like yours. This one is about 8" tall and 12" wide

Red Thumb, The pics you have of the Bhut Jolokai don't look like a Bhut are you sure you did not mis-mark the plants? I think they should more resemble the Naga plant. This is the only Bhut i have in a pot w/straight Pro-Mix it took a hit from the herbicide and i cut off about 7 inches but is recovering nicely no buds yet though. the 3 that I have planted in the garden are nowhere near this size. These are also from NMSU.



