• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bhuter 1920 :shrug:

Hello! I might as well try this. List is still in progress. Yes, I'm way behind, but who's in a hurry, anyway? Lol

Here's what has germinated and is now in the dirt. More to come. Waiting on germination.

Cinder F5
Black Naga x Peri-Peri F3 (Brown)
MustardGum NagaBrain
Purple BBG x 2
JPGS x Primo x 2
GSM (Grocery Store Mystery...Brown)
Brown Moruga
Black Panther
Berry Amarillo

Later added as germinated:
Rocoto Oculta CLEF
Caramel Moruga
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Purple Reaper


I'll leave this recipe for Depression Bread here...just in case...
Bhuter said:
So I've been wondering........OSMOSIS: learning things while you sleep. Do humans have 2 consciousnesses that absorb and learn different things? With my being half asleep a lot (according to EEG's)............if humans DO have separate consciousnesses that learn, maybe one of mine is teaching the other.

Too out there????????
Whatever it is, you're definitely doing it right man! Imagine if we could indeed learn while sleeping, what a game changer! But it sounds spot on, being able to figure out what's missing based on gut feeling / taste rather than having to follow a recipe. When I cook it's usually according to a recipe, but when my better half cooks, she also goes on gut feeling and it's usually very good. I guess some people just have what it takes... ;) Those mushrooms also look ace, frying them up with butter is one of my favorite dishes for sure!

Bhuter said:
So, I've decided to go the lazy route (of course) and leave the plastic down in the garden, dig holes in the soil through the existing spots, and loaded the holes with Pro-Mix and some other amendments. The local greenhouse carried the 2.8 cu ft bags for $18.99. I ordered 2 bags and one Death Spiral plant and it was only $40 delivered! So I'm doing it again today. I sold my Pimenta Puma, but they just happen to have one this year, so that's coming today. I'll see how close it really is. Lol

I'll get stuff together and cleaned up for a better view.

Looking good man, those plants are super healthy! Nice varieties too, haven't heard of so many of them! Guessing you're not missing your Oculto all that much now LOL... ;)

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lespaulde said:
Whatever it is, you're definitely doing it right man! Imagine if we could indeed learn while sleeping, what a game changer! But it sounds spot on, being able to figure out what's missing based on gut feeling / taste rather than having to follow a recipe. When I cook it's usually according to a recipe, but when my better half cooks, she also goes on gut feeling and it's usually very good. I guess some people just have what it takes... ;) Those mushrooms also look ace, frying them up with butter is one of my favorite dishes for sure!


Looking good man, those plants are super healthy! Nice varieties too, haven't heard of so many of them! Guessing you're not missing your Oculto all that much now LOL... ;)

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Yeah.... :mope: I still feel bad about that. While selling plants, I thought, "Pubes grow sideways and crazy......I don't need all of them....."

But I like orange pubescens.

Thank you for your kind words! I love mushrooms, (except portabellas).

Did you know that crimini mushrooms are the button version of Portabellas, AND the common white button mushroom Agaricus Bisporus was just an albino phenotype of crimini/portabella that ONE grower found, saved, shared, etc....

Crazy stuff!
Thats a crazy fact I never heard before either, awesomeness!

And not sure this makes you feel better or instead arouses your interest again for next year, but mine seems less horizontally focused than the other rocotos I'm growing this year. This is about 2 weeks ago, and it's still growing mainly upwards with no signs of buds:


Let me know if you need more seeds, hopefully I'll be getting pods at some point this year... You know you want to! ;) ;) ;)

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lespaulde said:
Thats a crazy fact I never heard before either, awesomeness!

And not sure this makes you feel better or instead arouses your interest again for next year, but mine seems less horizontally focused than the other rocotos I'm growing this year. This is about 2 weeks ago, and it's still growing mainly upwards with no signs of buds:


Let me know if you need more seeds, hopefully I'll be getting pods at some point this year... You know you want to! ;) ;) ;)

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You're so right! My luck with the Oro was 26 fold to the last brown rocoto I grew. Only have brown now. And no orange like the Oro (yellow). And not too sure on the seed stock, but I could always use more....!

A trade can always be transacted. Let me know if you wanna trade anything now. I have others I'm doing also, so the seeds are out. Lol

Very nice looking, saluting pubescens! (Those side branches might travel, though. Still worth the fruit! I'm just lazy and I overplanted again again again. Lol)

Haven't seen this in a while. It appears they changed brand ownership, maybe? It used to have my name above the product name as the company: ADAMS


Not yet tried this pack. Hopefully it's still black licorice flavor and not black..........anything else. Lol

Morocco, huh? I guess Black Hash-flavor would be ok. Lol
On this guy.......some yellowing issues, but slowly fixing that.


Jukka mentions a few similarities to cobincho pepper: Capsicum Exile aka Chacoense.......
Quote from Chileman.org
"A rare variety from the species Capsicum Exile. A mature pod is shown here. Seeds can be difficult to germinate but we found putting them on a damp paper towel, in a zip lock bag, in a warm place works well. Others have had success wetting, then drying, then wetting again. Once growing the plant sprawls, stems are very thin and the plant has very small, delicate white flowers. Not many pods in the first year, but easy to over winter indoors and second year should be covered in pods. Does not grow very tall, makes an attractive indoor pepper."

Recovering from transplant......
This is Stefan's (MeatFreak) MFPJ26-Peach. Pods look like a peach Scotch Brain. This foliage is dense!

Looks like a Cabbage Patch Kid in there:

I think I see a marriage happening here. Left is Judy's Brown Moruga, Right is Andy's (96Strat) 7 Pot Madballz. The same Madballz that fathered the Cinder.

Rhomboidium from Rich (Pepper-Guru), the lower half.



Piment d'Espelette Colin (nice.chili)

Bhuter said:
You're so right! My luck with the Oro was 26 fold to the last brown rocoto I grew. Only have brown now. And no orange like the Oro (yellow). And not too sure on the seed stock, but I could always use more....!

A trade can always be transacted. Let me know if you wanna trade anything now. I have others I'm doing also, so the seeds are out. Lol

Very nice looking, saluting pubescens! (Those side branches might travel, though. Still worth the fruit! I'm just lazy and I overplanted again again again. Lol)

LOL, yeah no harm done, also as I'm sure it's in good hands and there's always next time! ;)

Would be awesome setting up a trade, and I'd suggest we do it in the fall as I used up all the Oro seeds I had as some got damaged during shipment and only 1 out of 3 remaining germinated. That way I should also have a stock of currently growing plants, ie. more to chose from. Looking forward to it man!

I'll keep you posted on growth habits etc so you can always still change your mind. For now it seems less horizontal than my other two, but who know, you might be very right!

PtMD989 said:
Step Cinder, eh[emoji848][emoji16][emoji106].
LOL, that cracked me up! [emoji1787]

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stettoman said:
Hey Adam! I ain't gettin' around the site too awful much this season, but I was just over at Hippy Seed and Neil & Charlotte mentioned an "Adam in the States" as the source of their Aji Oro crop...
Don't tell me.
Naw, go ahead, man, tell me...
Hey, Eric! Did you see that Neil made this and is selling it?

He says,
"I think it's a bit mild so will sneak some more heat into nect batch"


Bhuter said:
Thank you, bud!
:dance: :woohoo: :dance:

Fragilis---Baccatum, I believe.
Variegated Jalapeño
You bet, man!  I wish I had a few more of those seeds to give you, but I know you have the mad skillz to make it happen even with the limited #s.
I was told baccatum on the fragilis, but I'm still a good bit away from flowers to confirm ;)
Awesome sausage!!!!
These are all great! Amazing varieties that I don't have. :woohoo:
Thanks, again!

Anybody from Cincinnati out there?
I'm from Southern California and the Big Boy restaurants were named "Bob's Big Boy". Midwest was "Elias Bros." But I loved getting their Chili-Spaghetti as a kid. Served with a grilled and buttered sesame seed bun.
I originally thought it was called "Skyline Chili" from Chicago. Skyline makes a Chili-Spaghetti, but I'm not sure it originated there. And to me, Skyline is too sweet and thin. It's still good, though.

Quote from article on vice.com

The Mediterranean influence is a result of Macedonian immigrants inventing the dish. Woellert says the origins of Cincinnati chili can be traced back to a small burlesque theater called The Empress where, in 1922, several Macedonian brothers started serving chili on top of spaghetti, labeling it "chili mac."

I made some from scratch. Fresh veggies, beans, but no meat. I like meat and eat it readily, but the getting stuck in my teeth thing isn't worth it. Lol

Darn good! Thank you, Ohio!!!