• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bhuter 1920 :shrug:

Hello! I might as well try this. List is still in progress. Yes, I'm way behind, but who's in a hurry, anyway? Lol

Here's what has germinated and is now in the dirt. More to come. Waiting on germination.

Cinder F5
Black Naga x Peri-Peri F3 (Brown)
MustardGum NagaBrain
Purple BBG x 2
JPGS x Primo x 2
GSM (Grocery Store Mystery...Brown)
Brown Moruga
Black Panther
Berry Amarillo

Later added as germinated:
Rocoto Oculta CLEF
Caramel Moruga
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Purple Reaper


I'll leave this recipe for Depression Bread here...just in case...
CaneDog said:
That flower looks super cool, but it looks like the filaments lack anthers at the end. Am I seeing this correctly?  Are the stamina on the other flowers any different?
It's still a little early yet. Maybe a day or two before the others open. But you can see that the, I guess filaments, are stringy and individual like this one.
CaneDog said:
That flower looks super cool, but it looks like the filaments lack anthers at the end. Am I seeing this correctly?  Are the stamina on the other flowers any different?
I just asked Jukka from Finland and he says:
"Wow! That's awesome!"
I asked him if he knew what this was:
"I really don't. The flower being that small could point to wilds.......Could be a mutation. Interesting to see the pods if the flowers work."
I mention the perfect placement of the filaments:
"Mutations can be 'perfect' too......I'd see if the self pollinate, but definitely an interesting one!"

So I'm going to isolate that plant away from others. Then if it doesn't pod up, I'll ask for volunteers for a father. :rofl:
That plant looks like a C.chacoense x C.annuum hybrid to me. The fused filaments are fairly common in that mix. I've had a few like that and have seen many others. One of the common ones that happens with is the purple chacoense that many grow.

The bug on it looks like a male Stenacron. A very cool mayfly that should be popping now.
Wow! Thanks, Pr0d!!!!
Has there been any pollen within the fused filaments?

Yes! There have been a few different kind of nature entities roaming the garden this year.
Like this crazy punk squirrel with a white tail.

Thank you for the info! I have seeds for said purple Chacoense. Maybe next year on that. But Trident said no wilds I. His garden that year. These were supposed to be SB7J x PDN.
So maybe PDN has some Chaco in it?????
Pr0digal_son said:
That plant looks like a C.chacoense x C.annuum hybrid to me. The fused filaments are fairly common in that mix. I've had a few like that and have seen many others. One of the common ones that happens with is the purple chacoense that many grow.

The bug on it looks like a male Stenacron. A very cool mayfly that should be popping now.
Sorry. Just quoting this so you get notified, John.
Well, for ganja, I usually use non-feminized, 50/50 seeds. I plant 2 of each (3 pineapple this year) to try to get a female (of course), and I did the same this year. Here's what we have so far in the way of gender:

PineApple Cookies F2-----3 Females
Hindu Blues-----2 females
SourNanaGasCan-----2 females
DogDawg----2 females

Waiting on one more dog and 2 Sweet Chem x pineapple Zkittles. Also have a new SourChem.

The last time I planted (13) 50/50 seeds, I got 12 females. Who needs feminized? Lol.

Bhuter said:
Sorry. Just quoting this so you get notified, John.
I'm just passing through some random threads through boredom and those photos caught my eye. Without knowing any history I would say that is a hybrid between C.chacoense and C.annuum or even a chinense but doubtful just looking at it.  That is a common phenomena with that hybrid. I would take Trident at his word though if that is what he says it is. Nothing on that plant really adds up to that cross though. The bisected petals,petal size and teeth on the calyces make me think C.chacoense in the mix but could be any number of small annuums. The upright pedicels too I guess. Just a ton of things lead me to think the way I do. To answer your question...They can and do produce pods but mostly parthenocarpic fruits and/or sterile seeds. 
Pr0digal_son said:
I'm just passing through some random threads through boredom and those photos caught my eye. Without knowing any history I would say that is a hybrid between C.chacoense and C.annuum or even a chinense but doubtful just looking at it.  That is a common phenomena with that hybrid. I would take Trident at his word though if that is what he says it is. Nothing on that plant really adds up to that cross though. The bisected petals,petal size and teeth on the calyces make me think C.chacoense in the mix but could be any number of small annuums. The upright pedicels too I guess. Just a ton of things lead me to think the way I do. To answer your question...They can and do produce pods but mostly parthenocarpic fruits and/or sterile seeds. 
Thank you, John! Maybe somewhere way back, a Purple Chacoense was mislabeled as PDN? I don't know. Too many possibilities and variables.
So they might pod up automatically? That would be awesome! Were any plants that you had worth keeping?
Great information! Thank you! Jukka DOES believe it is possible, also. You know, Chacoense and Annuum being in this plant. I'm excited to see the results. It's been potted up and I can easily isolate if needed.

Thanks again!!!!
They could and probably will set pods depending on how other things go on your end of the process and if any plants around help pollinate it.I'm not saying I am correct on all of this but I am fairly confident. I wouldn't rule out what Jukka or others have to say though. They know way more than I do.

I have grown some to maturity but never harvested seeds or tried to germinate any. If I am being honest,stuff like this is of little interest to me. This is a game of bigger,badder and weirdo,I know...but I have always been interested in accuracy and wild forms of these plants. And now I am into other genera. I just kick around some forums and threads from time to time. Hope I was able to add some insight.
Pr0digal_son said:
They could and probably will set pods depending on how other things go on your end of the process and if any plants around help pollinate it.I'm not saying I am correct on all of this but I am fairly confident. I wouldn't rule out what Jukka or others have to say though. They know way more than I do.

I have grown some to maturity but never harvested seeds or tried to germinate any. If I am being honest,stuff like this is of little interest to me. This is a game of bigger,badder and weirdo,I know...but I have always been interested in accuracy and wild forms of these plants. And now I am into other genera. I just kick around some forums and threads from time to time. Hope I was able to add some insight.
Thank you very much for everything!
Quickly: you like true wilds........I have a few wilds this year, but I am growing a wild Galapagos Frutescens that was found on a hike on the island, and seeds were given to Rich (pepper-guru) and he then gave me some. Let me know if you want seeds. Rich has pics of his grow of them.
Here was my little guy about 2 weeks ago. "Starts crinkly, the straightener out when transplanted", says Rich. He was very right and the transplant wasn't a destination either. It was just from cell to 4" pot lol

But I have LOADS of wilds.
And Jukka was completely agreeing with you.

Thanks again!!!
Devv said:
You betcha, may the heat be with you ;)
PaulG said:
Good on ya, Scott! I recognisize some of those pods  :woohoo:
Hey!!!!!!! Just the two geniuses I wanted to talk to. I know a little about purple thunder, but when did Bonda ma Neyde show up?! Those yellows I posted above are getting started first next season. Hell, maybe even this season. lol. They are beautuful! Just as I imagined the hotter big brother of Pimenta Puma would look like.

Great and fantastic stuff!!!
Bhuter said:
   Hey!!!!!!! Just the two geniuses I wanted to talk to. I know a little about purple thunder, but when did Bonda ma Neyde show up?! Those yellows I posted above are getting started first next season. Hell, maybe even this season. lol. They are beautuful! Just as I imagined the hotter big brother of Pimenta Puma would look like.

Great and fantastic stuff!!!
The Trippaul Threat (PdN x Bonda Ma Jacques)
was created by Trippa when he was in Australia
in 2012. He sent me seeds in 2014 for the F1
and F2. This is the F8 season. So far, there white,
violet and yellow variants. You can get the whole
story here:
I planted some of the seeds from the F1
plant (F2) this season, so I have an F3 v.2
going. I have 5 plants going, hoping for
some yellow pods. My Trippaul Threat F8
is from one of last season's F7.
PaulG said:
The Trippaul Threat (PdN x Bonda Ma Jacques)
was created by Trippa when he was in Australia
in 2012. He sent me seeds in 2014 for the F1
and F2. This is the F8 season. So far, there white,
violet and yellow variants. You can get the whole
story here:
I planted some of the seeds from the F1
plant (F2) this season, so I have an F3 v.2
going. I have 5 plants going, hoping for
some yellow pods. My Trippaul Threat F8
is from one of last season's F7.
Sorry, Paul. Trying to actually read somebodies emotions in words never works. Lol.
I know all about your PDN x Bonda ma Jacques, and you call it TripPaul Threat. I was making note of the now yellow pods and I was referring to those as Bonda ma Neyde. Just a play on words. In sorry friend. But I'm keeping this yellow. Lol
stettoman said:
Hey Adam! I ain't gettin' around the site too awful much this season, but I was just over at Hippy Seed and Neil & Charlotte mentioned an "Adam in the States" as the source of their Aji Oro crop...
Don't tell me.
Naw, go ahead, man, tell me...
Ha! Hi Eric! Yes! So true......I sent seeds to Neil and Charlotte! How funny!!!! They grew the Cinder this past season, too.

How are your Oro doing???

Thanks Eric! I can't wait for Roasted Hatch Chile's!!!!