• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bhuter 2019

Well, hello everybody! Thank you for stopping by! I'm sorry I'm late to the show. It takes me a long while to get started on anything. I've decided to cut down on varieties and just grow what I know I like, and have more plants of those. I'll be adding a few more as they hook. As of right now, here's what's growin':

2019 Growlist

Purple Flower BBG Orange
Antep Aci Dolma (Devv)
Aji Oro (TGCM)
Fluorescent Yellow Superhot ?? WHP
Black Congo (PL)
Cluster BBG (Buckeye)
Red BBG7 (Ocho Cinco 2014)
Bishop's Crown
Brown Moruga (PL)
Peach Bhut (Genetikx)
SB7J (Pex Peppers 2014)
Black Naga x Peri-Peri F3 (Mine)
Pumpkin Bubblegum (Ford's)
7 Pot Cinder Caramel F4 (My seeds and Mojo's seeds. Also have F2 clone overwinter)

Not very far along...but getting there!


Cinder F4

The whole gang
Bhuter said:
This was my first experience with this brand, too. I've worked my way through a few products, and I'm really impressed with the flavor profiles. The few that I've tried have been sweet([emoji1303]), thicker than some([emoji1303]), and one in particular has been a wonderful addition to everything we've tried it on so far...from ribs to burritos....the Spicy Steak Sauce. It's not really spicy...just a gentle heat. In fact, my gf who doesn't like spice calls this her new go-to Sauce. Yeah..."hers". Lol

More awesomeness arrived today from PexPeppers. After the rockin' care packages from WarrantMan & SalsaLady, I placed an order with Pex.


The Pueblo Dynamite and the Pueblo seeds were both freebies! Thank you very much, Garrett! That Lemon Fatalii Sauce is hot RIGHT NOW...and definitely a Fatalii burn. Prickly and uncomfortable. But damn tasty! :clap:

wow I keep seeing and hearing great things about PexPeppers. I will have to grab some of that 7potsauce and see their other additions

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Bhuter said:
I'm glad we have so many tokers. Love some Pink Floyd, too!

This went on yesterday.


...with a little of this...


Marinated Country Ribs, Prime Rib Burgers, & Brats....all cooked using Texas Creek Products...followed by WarrantMan's Homicide Sauce poured on every bite.

Just a Burger & Brat for me....!



Thanks again for the awesome Sauce packages, SL & WM!!!

My collection is growing....!



Hey, thats not a weber!
Bhuter said:
I'm glad we have so many tokers. Love some Pink Floyd, too!

This went on yesterday.


...with a little of this...


Marinated Country Ribs, Prime Rib Burgers, & Brats....all cooked using Texas Creek Products...followed by WarrantMan's Homicide Sauce poured on every bite.

Just a Burger & Brat for me....!



Thanks again for the awesome Sauce packages, SL & WM!!!

My collection is growing....!


I just got tagged by tridentchili in this picture on Instagram!
Sleeper67 said:
wow I keep seeing and hearing great things about PexPeppers. I will have to grab some of that 7potsauce and see their other additions

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I highly recommend checking out his site pexpeppers.com

But be warned, these are all-natural sauces made with pepper mash...meaning no extracts and pure pod heat. Pex has the hottest all-natural sauces that I have found. Very flavorful and amazingly hot. Did I mention that they are spicy? lol

If he restocks this fall, you'll have to check out Killer Swarm, Atom Splitter, & Singularity. All wonderful flavors with ingredients such as blackberries, wildflower or orange blossom honey, pineapple, cherries, etc..Pretty warm! I wanna grab a bottle of his Atomic Purple and Taco Fuego when they come back. Another addiction!
These started to come up yesterday. They are fully up, now.

Orange Pepperoncini

Going through my old pics....I really like this one. I think that's a Grass-Spider....livin' in a mater. Lol

I bought this for Tonie....a whole $0.84 on eBay. Many colors, but you can't choose.

That reminds me of that bong in the funny pics thread lol.

Keep your eye on Craigslist and garage sales for a weber kettle. I've found a few 5-15 dollar ones, and they clean up really nice. Just make sure the leg sockets are still welded firmly to the bowl. And if you see one that is any color but black you should for sure grab it.
I'm addicted to them, always cooked on whatever shitty grill I had before, or a fire pit with a piece of shopping cart over it lol. Grabbed a pretty nice old weber Smokey mountain last night for 50 bucks. I will het it cleaned up and post some pics to my smoking thread later.
Glad see things popping' for you there, Adam. 
I hope the MI weather cooperates a bit more so
you can get going towards plant out. I
Orekoc said:
And Oregon is over flowing with it.  So much, that limits have been placed on growers.  State laws are being changed so it can be shipped out of state, when/if it becomes Federally legal.
Hmmm, maybe I should try some. It has been 40 years since I had my first and last joint. That was home grown stuff from a coworker that really didn't do anything for me.
Yeah, the market is pretty saturated. There are so
many 'green marts' you can pick and choose.
The quality is awesome, and not expensive. I can
get an ounce of 19-20% THC with almost no CBDs
for $99. Not bad. When I was in the street market
years ago, it was $45 an eighth.
It's time for federal legalization!
Walchit said:
That reminds me of that bong in the funny pics thread lol.

Keep your eye on Craigslist and garage sales for a weber kettle. I've found a few 5-15 dollar ones, and they clean up really nice. Just make sure the leg sockets are still welded firmly to the bowl. And if you see one that is any color but black you should for sure grab it.
I'm addicted to them, always cooked on whatever shitty grill I had before, or a fire pit with a piece of shopping cart over it lol. Grabbed a pretty nice old weber Smokey mountain last night for 50 bucks. I will het it cleaned up and post some pics to my smoking thread later.
Haven't even seen it and I'm already jealous. I'll keep my eyes peeled. She's always garbage sale-ing in the summer. Thanks for the tips!
PaulG said:
Glad see things popping' for you there, Adam. 
I hope the MI weather cooperates a bit more so
you can get going towards plant out. I
Yeah, the market is pretty saturated. There are so
many 'green marts' you can pick and choose.
The quality is awesome, and not expensive. I can
get an ounce of 19-20% THC with almost no CBDs
for $99. Not bad. When I was in the street market
years ago, it was $45 an eighth.
It's time for federal legalization!
Our street prices range by dealer. The norm is $10/g...but we pay $20 an 1/8. If you go to the club (dispensary), it starts at $35 a quarter and you can get 1/8's as well...$17.50.

But it's constantly dry here and the closest club is a 15-20 minute drive. We get sh!t a lot, too. But supply and demand...which blows.
There are about 4 or so people that are growing this variety this season with hopes of getting orange pods, I'm guessing, as per the plant I had last year. I started 3 plants and all 3 are expressing different foliage pigments.

Purple Flower BubbleGum (Orange)


...and darker still:

All 3:

I got a fabulous surprise package from an old friend (member here, too) that was just unbelievable. There were 29 baggies in that bubble envelope and the best news is: THEY ARE ALL WILDS!!!! WTH?! Thats toooooo fantabulosoooo! I currently only have like 3 wilds. But now......IT'S ON! Lol. Without going into specifics, there are some pretty rare mofos in there. This will be my first to try. Of course, I'll fail, miserably....but I'll have fun! Thank you very much for this!!!! :woohoo:



Damn, Pepper People rock. In fact, pepper people are the best!!!!!

:dance: :party: :woohoo:
Those 3 PF BBG's are great looking.  Will be interesting to see how they develop with the variation they're already showing.  Good luck for orange pods!  
Congrats on all the new wilds to try too.  What an incredible care package - and what a great friend!
CaneDog said:
Those 3 PF BBG's are great looking.  Will be interesting to see how they develop with the variation they're already showing.  Good luck for orange pods!  
Congrats on all the new wilds to try too.  What an incredible care package - and what a great friend!
Thanks, CD! Just when you think you haven't made an impression on somebody's life, they shock the shizz out of you with the re-re-assurance of , "Yes, I am your friend. You mean something."

When something like this happens, you know, random acts of kindness, I feel uneasy. Guilty for thinking that everybody is as negative as I am. Lol. People are pretty cool. (Except the mean ones...they suck) I just have to get used to them in person. Lol.

EDIT: Oh yeah, here's a pic of the Purple Flower BBG orange pods from last year.



One of the parents of this variety is Purple Ghost Scorpion, which has purple placenta. This has placenta more on the lavender side.
