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...must be a far flying bee then. :)

I'm in a small town on the "edge of civilization" on the Texas coast (next town is about 20 miles), and there is only one other guy close (3 miles away) that has a pepper plant, and thats one red sorvino potted plant.
For no particular reason, no one else seems interested in growing them here... they just buy what they need at the store.

The only others in the area are wild chili pequin, so there really isn't anything close they could have crossed with.

As the seeds all came out of the original packet from India, they would have had to have crossed before getting here two years ago... and i'm just coming across them. :)
Here's a pic of one of the other peppers on the plant which shows the "green to yellow" change, so its not just a one pepper difference it has to be the plant itself. You can see peppers from the surrounding "normal" jolokia plants for comparison.

...i'm definantly saving the seeds from these, and hoping to stash away as many as possible in the next month. :onfire: