So, I was bestowed a generous gift of 11oz after processing of chocolate bhuts and scorpions for oldsalty. I read the forums and did what I thought was right but i want to confirm and also use this as a marker as to when I started the ferment lol
So here's what went in it:
11oz chocolate scorpions and bhuts
11oz carrots peeled
11oz white onion
4oz garlic (all i had)
10oz mango
Put the above in my vitamix and made a mash mostly on low speed. I turned it up when adding the below, but not too high.
so I did a total of 47oz x .035 to get 1.645oz non iodized morton's sea salt.
Finally, I was going to separate the whey from organic yogurt i had in the fridge, but when I opened it it had mold in it. So instead, i used 6 pills of acidophilus probiotic vegetarian capsules as well as the liquid from a big jar of kim chi. I mixed in most of the liquid with the mash but I wasn't sure if i was suppose to add a layer on top, so i left some liquid so i could add that layer on top. Ace hardware didn't have the gaskets I needed, so I looked around and found some things I could use to replace it. voila, the pic below. I plan to let one bottle ferment for at least 3 months. The other I'll probably let it go till it's time for me to leave miami and go to med school, around august-ish (fingers crossed that I get in somewhere)
So here's what went in it:
11oz chocolate scorpions and bhuts
11oz carrots peeled
11oz white onion
4oz garlic (all i had)
10oz mango
Put the above in my vitamix and made a mash mostly on low speed. I turned it up when adding the below, but not too high.
so I did a total of 47oz x .035 to get 1.645oz non iodized morton's sea salt.
Finally, I was going to separate the whey from organic yogurt i had in the fridge, but when I opened it it had mold in it. So instead, i used 6 pills of acidophilus probiotic vegetarian capsules as well as the liquid from a big jar of kim chi. I mixed in most of the liquid with the mash but I wasn't sure if i was suppose to add a layer on top, so i left some liquid so i could add that layer on top. Ace hardware didn't have the gaskets I needed, so I looked around and found some things I could use to replace it. voila, the pic below. I plan to let one bottle ferment for at least 3 months. The other I'll probably let it go till it's time for me to leave miami and go to med school, around august-ish (fingers crossed that I get in somewhere)