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Bigglesworth's Family Snapshots

UPDATED 8-7-11 on page 2

I got started a couple of weeks late for my climate, but not too badly behind schedule. All sprouting and seedling growth was indoors in a window sill - no grow lights because I'm on the cheap. This made all the plants get seriously long legs from Day 1.

The family portrait inside my greenhouse ( that was a dog kennel) from left to right: Firecracker piquins, Hungarian Wax, Brazilian Starfish, Long Red Slim. Back rows are Red Caribbean, Mustard Habaneros, and Scotch Bonnets.


Starfish and Long Red Cayenne show some incredible legs. They're 10-12 inches tall.

Starfish sporting nice fat leaves

Red Caribs screaming to get out of their box

Datils on their first day hardening off

While the slower germinating Bhut Jolokias wait impatiently for their turn in the greenhouse

Everybody gets a new home once this cold snap passes. I splurged and bought some Happy Frog soil conditioner for planting out.
Thanks, Mc Hottie. I have a 25 x 25' area laid out for 30" spacing. That gives plenty of room for 90 plants, of which 70 will be peppers.

Yes, those are herbs with a squash, chives in bloom, parsley, basil, oregano, mint, lavender, and a huge catnip bush in back.

Which reminds me, I need to buy another cilantro to replace the one I fried by putting in on the top shelf of the greenhouse. :(
Looks like your not too far behind. All of mine are outside now but not all are planted yet.
Most of my chinese's are very small. My jalapeno's and sweet peppers are nice and big.
I think we pretty much have the same weather. Right now it's raining and cool. We need
the rain, we are 4" behind. Would like to see how your peppers are doing later this
Looking good! You aren't that far behind. Thats a good looking plot as well! Looks like you REALLY like Sonic hahaha! Good luck this year!
What a happy looking little family MB. Looks like you got a good start to be packin a lot of heat by the fall.
Well, how's about an update! :cool:

Many of these plants survived two hailstorms in an 4-day period during the first week of May.....

For those who like symmetry:

30" spacing in rows, 36" between rows

from left to right - Bhut jolokia(9), Datil(8), Caribbean Red(10), Mustard Habanero(7) , Cayenne(4), and Scotch Bonnet(5)
each row has a Hungarian Hot Wax in the foreground.


Hungarian loading up with pods:


Queen Size Carib Red:


Ready to kick some Bhut:


Pretty excited at this point. I was totally despondent after the hail storms.

And for the tomato fans - the Amazing 6-Foot-High Tomato Cages!

Left- German Johnson Right - Russian Black Krim

So did they all go from leggy to filling out? I also start growing mine on the windowsill & they're leggy too.
wow - great looking garden. your plants look really nice and healthy - good luck with the rest of the season.
Those look great, nice job!

wow - great looking garden. your plants look really nice and healthy - good luck with the rest of the season.

Thanks, folks. After 17 years of gardening, this is my first year growing from seed. I found THP just after ordering seeds in March. Ever since then I've learned a tremendous amount and it's starting to reach fruition ( pun intended.) I really like this community and hope all continues for a long time.

Ate one of these a little while ago, surprisingly tasty for an ornamental. Bolivian Rainbow:

That black plastic will absorb a lot of heat. I don't know if that will be good or bad for you. Hand watering I assume?
That black plastic will absorb a lot of heat. I don't know if that will be good or bad for you. Hand watering I assume?

I had major concerns about over-heating the plants, so I waited as long as possible after planting out to install the plastic. The plants got a few toasted leaves, but not bad damage. I also considered add straw mulch to control heat, (see Silver Surfer's grow log.) I would recommend straw iwith the plastic in hotter climates. In previous years I had lots of grass in my plot, the plastic has nuked that problem.

I did the grid layout so I would have the option of adding drip irrigation. So far I've just hose-watered in between rainfalls. Since March almost 100% of our rain has come from thunderstorms ( cursed hail and wind!) I have installed a tripod Orbitz sprinker which does a pretty good job covering the whole garden with a light watering in 30 minutes. It will have a timer added to limit the need for hand waterings.

Lookin' good!

Thanks, the grid design has a lot of curb appeal. Once the plants get bigger it will look like a shrubbery, in different heights to get a two-tier effect with a path running down the middle.
Beautiful garden! I'm doubting the black plastic will get the soil any hotter than black plastic containers do. I have mine sitting on asphalt to boot. I'm sure in times of extreme heat, it's not great for my plants - I just don't think you have the same problem with that giant heat sink of the earth.