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pics BigT plant pics 2012

The Morougas are pretty, I'm attempting to overwinter one of those this year, mine tasted like peaches...

RE: Morouga - I can't say they taste like peaches to me, but next time I try one I'll have to take notice. I plan on overwintering a few this year as well, especially my 4 plants in root pouches - I have a feeling they will do well. I got two 15 gallon root pouches for next year, can't wait to see how plants do in those monsters.
Nice harvest photo...good combo of heat and flavor. The Serrano Tampiqueno plant looks lush with pods, I'm in the process of making different heat levels of Giardiniera.
Besides the Hab/Peno versions I'm currently working with Devil Serrano's......Some are as fat as Jalapeno's. Ya just can't beat that Serrano/Celery/Carrot mix...
Good luck with the rest of your season.

Nice harvest photo...good combo of heat and flavor. The Serrano Tampiqueno plant looks lush with pods, I'm in the process of making different heat levels of Giardiniera.
Besides the Hab/Peno versions I'm currently working with Devil Serrano's......Some are as fat as Jalapeno's. Ya just can't beat that Serrano/Celery/Carrot mix...
Good luck with the rest of your season.


Thanks Greg - I still have a bunch of your seeds to discover next year. Your Mariachis were a big hit - I love that pepper! Serrano Tampiqueno was also a huge success and is the perfect Serrano IMO - great flavor and loaded with heat. One of these days I'll experiment with relishes and different sauces, but for now I'm content to just add powder to commercial sauces. My garden is done now, we had a hard freeze - but I did move my containers inside so I'll get a few fresh pods yet for months. In January it begins anew.