Philipperv said:I have to disagree with you doing this. If you pull your videos because of rude comments then the loser that made those comments wins.
I'd have to agree... I say screw 'em. Plus, there a nice thing called "remove comment" that works pretty well.
Now if only I had the #$%@ usb cable for my camera...why does Samsung have a different mirco-USB connector?? Also, the power cable is uber-tiny. I have like 3 cables around and none fit. (cam was used and came with nada)
Oh well, I manage..lol
Doing a 5+ minute vid just kills the batteries though. At least they are rechargables..heh.
Oh, NP Shayne..it's hard to tell when yer kidding tho sometime mate. But, as a fellow canuck, your alright.