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chinense Bih Jolokia...dry or?

Philipperv said:
I have to disagree with you doing this. If you pull your videos because of rude comments then the loser that made those comments wins.

I'd have to agree... I say screw 'em. Plus, there a nice thing called "remove comment" that works pretty well. ;)

Now if only I had the #$%@ usb cable for my camera...why does Samsung have a different mirco-USB connector?? Also, the power cable is uber-tiny. I have like 3 cables around and none fit. (cam was used and came with nada)

Oh well, I manage..lol

Doing a 5+ minute vid just kills the batteries though. At least they are rechargables..heh.

Oh, NP Shayne..it's hard to tell when yer kidding tho sometime mate. But, as a fellow canuck, your alright. :D

I only pulled them because they were for my nephiews school project and some of the comments were foul.
Oh and Quadshot sorry if I gave you the wrong impression my writing skillz are poor.
No worries, we all love the same firey stuff around here and want to promote it to the masses because it's healthy and just damn good. As Blair says... "Feel Alive!"

That's what matters eh? :)
Fell Alive is right! We Pepperheads must stick together!!! :lol:

Just my opinion on the dry or fresh issue, I too find fresh peppers to be much hotter then when dried.

Quad, once I start having peppers ripen I can send you a couple fresh ones. I always send a couple fresh peppers to my friends that are willing to put the experience of eating them whole on cam and post on youtube. Myself and a few friends have some videos out there: me -
its that bad, ya can't even take pics of ya kids playing sport (cause ya might be taking pics of other kids) and most have prob seen the comments Jeff (crazypepperguy)gets bout his daugher Erica as they do the Bhut.

there are many idiots out there like the goose the other day, whom told me i should try a Naga as he put jalapeno's on his subway for Lunch

Hey idiot, im not trying to be impressive its a test to show what a Jalapeno is like and ive already done all the naga's if youd bothered to actuallly look before looking like a dick.. Yet have a sus of the Pepe Hab vid,, Chad pops in to show me how he can do 3 Orange Habs at once,, whoop de do, why put that in Pepe Hab (i was gonnna reply to his 3 habs with 10 Tepins at once vid, but havent sent that up yet and it wasn't bad anyway)
Do Vids, got to show the world how great chilli's / Peppers are :)

Stillmanz sent me 3 Ripe 2 inch long 7 Pods Yesterday,, :onfire: Yes Yes Yes

:shocked: yay
Pepp3rFreak said:
Fell Alive is right! We Pepperheads must stick together!!! :lol:

Just my opinion on the dry or fresh issue, I too find fresh peppers to be much hotter then when dried.

Quad, once I start having peppers ripen I can send you a couple fresh ones. I always send a couple fresh peppers to my friends that are willing to put the experience of eating them whole on cam and post on youtube. Myself and a few friends have some videos out there: me -

Just watched your video Pepp3rFreak. You were doing so well I was shocked, then the Naga reared it's ugly head huh? Nice video. What happened to your friend after he threw up?
Dern batteries...

Friend of mine was over for a bit today checking out the new sauce and stuff while waiting for the g/f to get off work, and he hadn't had the Bih yet, so we decided to split a pod...was great until I thought we should vid it...and the cam batteries were dead.

H8 that. :(

So, we ate it anyways..lol He'd already tried a Morich, so wasn't too bad.

Funny part was reminding him not to kiss his g/f with that on or he'd get "Bih-Slapped"..Muahhhaaa!

Good times.

Oh, he's been a chef and grew up in SE Asia, and he really liked the NagaSav....woot!
