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pics Binganero's Grow... Um... Story (Pics)

Ripe long red cayennes... these are runts I think.

Bhut pod! Largest of about a dozen!

Jalapenos... the early kind. Questions about this later.

Bolivian Rainbow... questions about this guy too.
My first REAL harvest ever...

OK... now the serious stuff.

First of all... AJ, I have left the pots on the slate slabs to try and battle the earwigs that apparently have a city in our mulch. I am DE'ing all around the place to try and limit them, but I was hesitant to bury the pots. Would this tactic make a difference, or am I just delaying the inevitable?

Second... we have had a ton of rain and overcast all spring. FINALLY it is warm (hot ~90F) every day for about the last week, and it is not going to stop any time soon. I am losing alot of leaves. They are turning yellow (see background of Bhut pod pic and somewhat in Bolivian Rainbow pic) and falling off and the new growth on alot of my plants is very bumpy and curled (see pic below). I have continued my normal application of fertilizer (diluted MG tomato) and epsom salt every other week or so. Is this loss and growth the result of the temperature difference? Do I have to compensate somehow with ferts?

Curled growth...

Finally, there has been alot of pod production, as you can all see, but the plants themselves have not been growing much. Will the vertical growth continue once I pick pods? I pulled pods off of 2 of my 4 Jalapenos earlier in the season to try and kick start their growth, but like I showed above, the growth kind of blows and the leaves are turning yellow? Will I get a growth spurt?

Thanks in advance for the help!


PS... sorry about the pics. I blame AJ for not letting me borrow his sweet new camera:-) Kidding! AJ's the man!

Thanks again.
mmmmmm......aventinus! Yummy!

My pepper plants are all very small and are just starting to bud a little.
I'm jealous of those of you with peppers already!
Looks good!
Once they start making pods, the growth slows down. But it's so early in the year, they will get bigger for sure. Almost looks like aphid damage on a few of those bubbly leafs. Might want to slow down on the ferts for a while. A few of those leaves look burned to me.
Hey they looking really good I know that in the begining it is slow but look out toward the end of season they go completely wild. Then what shall I do with all of these. Just keep an eye on those aphids
Nice first harvest Bing.

I agree with bigt, lay off the go juice for a while. Check the underside of the leaves and nuke those bugs.

A few lower large leaves here and there on my plants turn yellow and drop every now and then, but I think this is normal. Solar panels get old and inefficient and need to be replaced, but as bigt said, "A few of those leaves look burned to me".
Thanks everyone. I checked the leaves for aphids... nothing. I think it is left-over earwig damage.

Another question... I am going to be harvesting the Jals soon, when they are still green. Is it a bad idea to harvest all of them at once? Should I take a few at a time to avoid shocking the plant, or will it be unaffected?


Binganero said:
Thanks everyone. I checked the leaves for aphids... nothing. I think it is left-over earwig damage.

Another question... I am going to be harvesting the Jals soon, when they are still green. Is it a bad idea to harvest all of them at once? Should I take a few at a time to avoid shocking the plant, or will it be unaffected?



No shock, just makes room for more pods. Pick away.
Update! This one is going to be shorter than my other posts...

Well, again, the northeast is being vicious to gardeners this year, with another two weeks of mostly rain and clouds recently. I have been picking a TON of orange habaneros (freezing and made some sauce), cayennes, and tabascos. The Bolivian Rainbows look nice, and I have made some Rainbow powder. I have also picked a ton of Jalapenos (green for pickling as well as ripe red ones).

After that burst of pepper harvesting, I have no real peppers ripening (due to a bad weather shock once again), so I am in a bit of a rut. Not to worry, however, there is a bunch of new growth of foliage, flowers and buds, as well as some small fresh new pepper sprouts. So... I will have some awesome pictures in two weeks or so.

I do have ripe Bhuts however:-)


These are my 4 Jalapenos. The bottom left is the only one of a healthy size and condition. The other three have been devoured by earwigs, and they never really got going in the first place, with no significant new growth since they came outside in March. I think that they may be a bad cross of some sort, because the healthy plant is really healthy and kicking in equal condidtions. Live and learn... I am still gettinga ton of peppers from all of them.

My Tabascos are FILLED with peppers, both ripe and unripe. I am excited to sauce these guys when I get enough. I have about half of a sandwich bag filled thus far, and as you can see, there are a ton waiting to join them!

The orange habanero plants have exploded with growth, with long branches becoming weighed down with lots of green pepper pods. With four plants, I have about 200 peppers hanging right now waiting to turn orange. They are clumped in big groups like you see below. I am pumped so see the orange explosion.

We just had a new patio put in so I figured I would put a picture of my tomato bed and the herb garden sitting below in pots.

The next post will be nothing but Bhut pics!

I finally have my first ripe Bhut! These pictures were taken two days ago, and I just saw today that I have about ten more starting to turn!

I do need to ask what you folks think about these plants. I got the "regular" (not "Giant") Bhuts from Pepper Joe. The flowers are five-petaled, but the pods look Naga-ish. Any input as to what I have here?

Here are the pics...

My two plants. They are the tallest plants I have, despite sprouting out of soil about 7 weeks after all other peppers.

This is my first Bhut! It is small (about an inch long) compared to all others, so keep that in mind.

These are some other pods that are now starting to ripen. They are about 2" long.

This is the same pepper along with another runt pepper that had some damage and rot that I also pulled off.

Two questions:

1. What is the lighter green tops on the unrip pepper pods? Is this a result of the capsaicin inside?

2. Dumb question. Now that I have Bhuts ripening... what the heck do you do with them? I plan on making a bit of powder, but does anyone have any good Bhut sauce recipes? Any other suggestions? I do not think Bhut poppers would be very enjoyable at a picnic.

Thanks, I hope you enjoy!
