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I have decided to give BioBizz fertilizers a try from now on, after I have read a lot of good things about them.

I have a bottle each of

Bio Heaven

I like the idea of being able to adjust the ferts to your needs by using a different mix whenever required.

Has anyone here tried it?

I'd love to read some experiences/recommendations!
Have seen them on sale, but didn't buy any cause of the high price. if they're any good, I'll try them too.
After about a month of using it, I can say that I am totally happy with it. My plants are expeloding with buds and flowers and grow at an amazing speed. Some have grown more in the last 4 weeks than they have in 3 months prior to using BioBizz. It's not cheap, but it is great and VERY recommended!!! I'll order another batch to stay equipped. I still have plenty, but I don't wanna run out.
Chiliac said:
After about a month of using it, I can say that I am totally happy with it. My plants are expeloding with buds and flowers and grow at an amazing speed. Some have grown more in the last 4 weeks than they have in 3 months prior to using BioBizz. It's not cheap, but it is great and VERY recommended!!! I'll order another batch to stay equipped. I still have plenty, but I don't wanna run out.
They're REALLY pricey here, but if it's that good... I'll give it a try.
Don't forget to post reports. ;)
I will. I wish I had taken some pics just before starting to use it so I could post some before and after pics.

Some plants have almost doubled (!) their size within a month and there are dozens of buds and flowers on plants that really took their time when I was using the tomatoe food.

I can wholeheartly recommend this although I may sound as if I am getting paid by the word! :)
Can get a (relatively) sweet deal on a Bio Grow + Bio Bloom + TopMax combo, will this be enough? I see all these weird products like Root Juice and Alg-A-mic. :shocked: There's BioHeaven and FishMix as well. :shocked:
I am not using Root Juice at the moment, I'm keeping this for next season after transplanting. I am using a combo of the others right now, so I can't say for sure how you'd be doing without any of them. This threepiece will most probably still be better than most other ferts, but I can't say if one of the components is the key to success, but those are probably the most important ones, the basic setup. I didn't really have time to experiment so far.
I use them too. :) They work well. I actually got a gift certificate from my in-laws last year for Christmas for a hydroponics store. I wanted to try them forever and broke down and got them. They aren't cheap, but under those circumstances.....

I'm also interested in using SuperNatural nutrients as well as I got a package for free at the hydro store.

Been trialling some BioBizz to Chiliac had mixed results..choose two plants i had spare (jalapeno) and feeding one on bio..the other on Chili focus and to be honest its neck and neck and the chill focus walks Biobizz on price ;)
Ha! found a place that sells it with the Eurpean pricing! no more paying 3 to 4 times more! :P
Getting some soon, just need to spare some cash for new setup.
3 - 4 times the European price??? Wow, I can understand very well, that you were hesitating!!! It's not exactly cheap in the first place, but that is outrageous!!!
Chiliac said:
3 - 4 times the European price??? Wow, I can understand very well, that you were hesitating!!! It's not exactly cheap in the first place, but that is outrageous!!!
What did you think? delivery costs + importing taxes + sale taxes + greedy bastards = lots of money. but that's ok... that's just how things go here (if that shocked you, I wanna see your face when you see our taxes on cars :lol:).