
chuck - thats fine you deleted the pic I posted, if someone got offended about it, then they better carry a shovel in their vehicle to scoop up all the dead animals on the roads EVERYDAY & throw them into the ditch so they & others dont see them ;)

I guess cat lovers are kinda crazy. I remember working on a jobsite downtown & some crazy lady started screaming "call 911 call 911" we went over there to find out what happened, & she was screaming all this over a cat that was run over by a car, the cat was just twitching w/head crushed, it was a goner. we just laughed at her about calling 911 over a cat that was run over.
Hot Canuck said:
Your bio says you're a other than fur and the ability to type, the difference between you and a cat is ????? :lol:

Ha HA HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA!!. Yes and obviously it is cat lovers who are obsessed and crazy since it was...... Oh, no wait. It was Chilehunter who decided to start raving like a lunatic about cats in the first place.

Sorry, but you started this. Your main beef with cats is that they kill for fun.... I don't know 1 hunter whose family would starve if they did not hunt, or who hunts for anything but a HOBBY. Get off it hypocrite. You wish you were a cat.
lennyk said:
it appears that this thread i started has turned into an animal debate

Dont worry too much about it mate, just don't try to put up a thread about cooking them up because they're wrecking your crop.

I had the same thing happen when I first joined here :

Basically I asked what kind of plant I had >>Link>Link
bentalphanerd said:
Dont worry too much about it mate, just don't try to put up a thread about cooking them up because they're wrecking your crop.

I had the same thing happen when I first joined here :

Basically I asked what kind of plant I had >>Link>Link
to all, I'd gladly debate this subject with you, but I have a feeling this site doesnt like touchy subjects. which I find it interesting to see where people stand on certain subjects.

cheezy - sounds like you're a city slicker, I got news for you theres ALOT of people that NEED the meat they get from hunting or its their sole source of income is from hunting (they're in every state) w/o it they sure'll die or become another leech to the system like some others. so NO! hunting is not just a hobby! to some yes it is. but also remember hunters/trappers provide a service to all you non-hunters by hunting/trapping & keeping the populations in check or keep you safe from certain animals.

bent - your quote "Its kinda cool though that people get passionate and stand up/ speak out against animal cruelty " we all know Pam wont be one of those people :lol:
as for animal cruelty, mother nature is vicious.
Most of humanity has evolved beyond the neanderthal need to hunt. leest dat's wat my yooniversity anthropawlogee perfesser tawt me, cuz...

Cat versus bird - that's a timeless rivalry, where speed determines survival, and occurs throughout the animal kingdom.

Camouflaged man, picking off a defenseless deer from 100 yards with a high powered rifle? Incredibly brave...Good grief...

There are no Michael Vick's in the feline population... Oh, wait...he had a family to feed??? My guess is, if given a choice, Mother Nature would disown Mr Vick, and the rest of his ilk...

Till we truly rise above the rest of the members wild kingdom, we have no right to criticize any of them.

I had more to say, but I'm going fishing...well actually, I'm throwing a few sticks of dynamite into a lake...stupid fish had it comin'...
I get a kick out of ill informed people :lol:
canuck - your qoutes "Most of humanity has evolved beyond the neanderthal need to hunt" well really ONLY the 1st world countries BUT then again they still NEED to hunt or need hunters! or need your butchers! so then infact we have not evolved beyound the need for hunting or butchering.

FYI my love is archery! I think its to easy to use guns for hunting but I will still use them. nothing better than being within 20 yards of a animal or 10 yards from a buck on the ground.

defenseless! I see you are so ill informed! wildlife are far superior to humans when it comes to the 5 senses. & to outwit a animal designed to survive at all costs & elude humans is a challenge its not as easy as you think.
as for Michael Vick thats totally different, for one its illegal BUT like I've already said mother nature is more vicious! then whats your take on bull fights ? spain (?) relys on this for income & this is nothing more than a tradition for bringing the cattle to the slaugtherhouse.

you can sit on your high horse & think your so civilized, but I got news for you. you directly or indirectly take part in alot of animal deaths, be it using medicine & medical technology/food/shelter/buying stuff from stores (which they build more & destroy wildlife habitat)etc....
if you want no part of this then you better go live in some woods & dont eat any meat, use any medicines, dont drive a vehicle, dont buy any products made by anyone but yourself,etc...

I still get a laugh at people that dont know what they're taking about. namely the so called animal activists
Till your prey can operate a rifle or a bow and arrow, it is a grossly unfair fight. And are you saying Minnesota, your home, is third world??? I was at the Bills game last October when they kicked the crap out of the Vikings - your fans certainly acted like they weren't representing the highest evolved species on the planet...

I have no issue with your hobby CM, but it is incredibly hypocritical to harshly criticize a member of the animal kingdom, that is only following it's base instincts, when you, a member of the superior species, consciously elect to do the same - kill an animal, simply because you can...
"that is only following it's base instincts" bingo & thats why a cat should not be left to run free, please tell which state considers a cat or dog part of the natural wildlife ! none do, they're domestic pets that should NOT be running free (feral) just like livestock you dont let them run free. most states have laws on feral dogs/cats just as they do for species of wildlife not native to the area or trees & aquatic species. & they try to prevent this from becoming a serious problem. either by cutting the trees down or getting rid of those species that are not native to the area.

feral cats/dogs are solely 100% because of lazy owners that just dont care. have you ever came across a feral dog pack ? they're not affraid of humans & would kill you if needed to survive, unlike natural wildlife are affraid of humans because thats their basic instinct.
chilehunter said:
"that is only following it's base instincts" bingo & thats why a cat should not be left to run free, please tell which state considers a cat or dog part of the natural wildlife ! none do, they're domestic pets that should NOT be running free (feral) just like livestock you dont let them run free. most states have laws on feral dogs/cats just as they do for species of wildlife not native to the area or trees & aquatic species. & they try to prevent this from becoming a serious problem. either by cutting the trees down or getting rid of those species that are not native to the area.

feral cats/dogs are solely 100% because of lazy owners that just dont care. have you ever came across a feral dog pack ? they're not affraid of humans & would kill you if needed to survive, unlike natural wildlife are affraid of humans because thats their basic instinct.

'should not be left to run free' is a far cry from 'worhless pet that should be shot indisciminateley'...I think we've made good progress...:beer:

Sorry about the Vikings comment - that was below the belt...:doh:

Lets get back to why we're all here - pure heat...:fireball:
it was asked how to solve a certain animal problem. there was options given to deal with it- netting, shooting it (which happens to basically all nuisance animals/pests)or some other form for ending its life, or get a cat & let that run around free outside to get rid of 1 problem species but in turn the cat would also be getting rid of other species at the same time.

letting a cat run free is the most irresponsible thing to do, most people think oh its just a little kitty no big deal, but it is a big deal in some areas. dont be surprised if it could windup dead in a field or in the dog pound, which in due time would also be put down/killed. which there is no difference (other than method & cost)because the final outcome is that the animal dies.
just food for thought when it comes to feral cats (or feral dogs)