Bizarre Foods - Eastern Australia

moyboy said:
I have had a pie from there.......Oh My God.....There stuff is sex covered in pastry that tastes like better sex!!!!!!!!!!

so the pie is just basically crust, mashed taters, meat and topping? I assume there are different types?

don't see why this would be bizarre - sounds pretty good to me.
i have vegimate in my kitchen...

im the only one who likes it...

its like a vitamin spread...that grows on
chilliman said:
Im going on 28 and I have eatten it nearly everyday for breakfast, with my bowl of weetbix !


Hell yeah! Weetabix is probably my favorite cereal. I've been eating it my whole life, my grandparents got me into it yet almost nobody has any idea what it is.
Nothing better than a chopped up banana on top of weetbix with fresh full cream icey cold milk!... with my toast & vegemite and glass of juice !

Fried breakfast with Chilli sauce, reserved for special occasions/ weekends or hung over !
Totally. I love it plan, but typically have either banana, strawberry, or blueberry, sometimes 2 or all 3 of them. Looking out my window now at the mango tree in the yard, it just occurred to me that when they're ripe I gotta try some with mango.
Have you tried it porridge style ? My next favourite way to do weetbix in the morning.

Step 1. Put in enough milk to JUST cover 4 weetbix flat ontop of each in 2 stacks.
Step 2. Put alittle honey on top
Step 3. Microwave for about 2-3mins (great in winter) (not covered)

Another way... is dry !
1. Put it crushed as crumb to oven baked chicken
2. Use them like a sandwich.... I love to use jams, vegi, or a bit of hot salami.
3. Crushed in a soup instead of croutons...
I've done it heated before, but only plain. And I do love honey, so I think that's going to be my breakfast tomorrow.

I don't know if the dry is quite my thing, but I'll give it a try. When it comes to food, I'll try anything at least once.