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Black Pepper Poll - For or Against?

Do you like black pepper or any non-capsicum form that calls itself "pepper"?

  • Total voters
We know how most of you roll - black pepper (or one of its cousins) is on nearly every table around the globe, or so it seems! But some of us can't stand the stuff, even to the point of finding it repulsive. My general impression is that many people only think they like black pepper because it is so pervasive - their parents always put it on their food and they never stopped to ask themselves if they actually like it or not. Some, we know, have pondered this and decided they actually like the rancid stuff. But some of us found quite the opposite to be true - and we are often mercilessly teased about it! LOL
So here's a just-for-fun little poll - VOTE!
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Black pepper is the king of spices.

I love it for certain things. This is the 1st I've ever hear of someone not liking black pepper.

Count me firmly in the "yea" vote.
That said, I do not like it more than capsaicin chiles. Kinda skews the results when you phrase it that way ;)
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Scoville DeVille said:
I hate Star Anice.

But why would you use Anice when there are Jonah 7's to be had.

f**king rediculous.
Exactly my thoughts about BP - why would you go there when there are capsicum pods to be had?
I wouldn't say "maybe more than chiles" because it's a completely different animal. Salt and pepper (piper nigrum) rule the spice world. I put fresh cracked black peppercorns on my bacon this morning. It's the flavor, not the heat.
Buzz said:
I wouldn't say "maybe more than chiles" because it's a completely different animal. Salt and pepper (piper nigrum) rule the spice world. I put fresh cracked black peppercorns on my bacon this morning. It's the flavor, not the heat.
Exactly - I despise the flavor with a passion. Makes me think of opening a dirty diaper pail and digging in - YUCK!
jedisushi06 said:
you cant cook a steak without fresh cracked black pepper, or eggs
And yet, I manage to cook a steak without black pepper ALL THE TIME! LOL
Cruzzfish - you should be able to delete your vote then add it back in.
geeme said:
Cruzzfish - you should be able to delete your vote then add it back in.
Maybe I should delete my vote and give Geeme some company. Looks pretty lonely on her side.
Na. Where did I put my pepper grinder. I need some more.
The tellicherry black peppercorn is among the most prized bits of tasty in the known realm. Black pepper is the most widely traded spice since antiquity.  Men went on hair raising adventures with camels and whatnot in attempts to procure the black peppercorns!  Freshly ground black pepper is just as vital and necessary as salt to bring out the flavors of any food in my humble opinion.  For me, pepper is the yin to salt's yang.
Hot peppers and their derivatives (read sauces, pastes, etc) are certainly acceptable replacements for when there is no black pepper.  I prefer to use both though.
Also Star Anise is wonderful Scovie - especially combined with cinnamon, cardamon and lemon grass - which when steeped in beef stock makes a lovely base for noodles and other various parts of cow in one of my all time favorite dishes, Vietnamese Pho.  :)      