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health Black spots and holes

I noticed some black spots on a couple of my plants. One has holes in the edge and a few black spots. I checked for creatures and didn't see any. I have sprayed them a couple times with epsom salts and noticed it leaves some residue in spots. I wonder if spraying them and then putting them under lights, if the water droplets didn't actually act like a magnifying glass and burn them a bit? That's the first thing that came to mind. I did some searching here and found some problems people were having with bacteria. I hope it isn't that.


I guess I may know in a couple days if this spot develops into a hole or grows.

You are right!!

If you have water droplets on the leaves or any part of the plant and place it under bright light they will most definitely burn your plant.
You are right!!

If you have water droplets on the leaves or any part of the plant and place it under bright light they will most definitely burn your plant.

That's a myth, you know? The water droplets would have to be suspended above the leaf in order to have the undesired effect and they would have to stay there for an extended period of time - more than it takes for them to evaporate, especially if the light is actually strong enough to potentially cause damage. If this is light damage, which I doubt, it has nothing to do with spraying. I would say it's more likely to be either some sort of bacterial/fungul infection or maybe you were careless when you were watering them and spilt some fertilizers on the leaves. It could even be one of the tiny critters that like to destroy chillies.

What does the bottom of he leaves look like? Do you notice anything unusual like fuzzy or dark spots?
it could be fungus... frog eyes fungus.. or ,cercospora capsici can cause leaf spots like yours.
go see this post My link

it might be helpful..
I have never seen it inside, but have witness the effects outside after a rain shower followed by intense sun light. It is too coincidental to be anything else. I'll find new leaf growth that's spotless and then another rain shower followed by intense sun light producing those black burnt spots.
Its not water damage from leaving water on the leaves to burn under lights. That looks like some sort of bacterial leaf spot and can happen with too much moisture or the seeds where infected and gets passed down from the previous generation. I soak my seeds in 1:10 bleach/water dilution for 30 minutes help kill the bacteria.
in the meantime keep the affected plants from the good ones and dont have the soil too moist. Its gets worst if there is too much moisture.
Hope that helps
Get some neem oil mix it 1 1/2 tea and 1 tea of ivory soap to 1 qt of water spray everyday for a week then everyother week should make it go away, works for me!
I have never seen it inside, but have witness the effects outside after a rain shower followed by intense sun light. It is too coincidental to be anything else. I'll find new leaf growth that's spotless and then another rain shower followed by intense sun light producing those black burnt spots.

It's not necessarily coincidental, but it's not water droplets acting as "magnifying glasses" either. Rain could have all kinds of junk in it, plus when it's bombarding the ground nasty stuff can get lifted from the ground and land on your leaves. Also, the increased humidity and a nice warm day are perfect conditions for chili plant killing organisms.