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Blair's Jersey Death

For those interested, those nerves would be the greater and lesser palatine nerves, along with parts of the hyoglossal nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, and the facial nerve.
had a bottle of this stuff before i moved. very hot! i've been told it is hotter than the megadeath, but i haven't had them at the same time to try and compare. unfortunately i forgot this stuff, and it got tossed by my roommate while cleaning out the fridge. :( had plenty left too.

on the bright side, i have a bottle of megadeath in the fridge. :P
I found a good place for it. I like Arby's on occasion. About 5-6 drops on a regular roast beef sandwich, with 2 packets of Horsey sauce are about right. And great for clearing your sinuses.
xgrafcorex said:
unfortunately i forgot this stuff, and it got tossed by my roommate while cleaning out the fridge. :( had plenty left too.

well, i actually just got back from the other coast of florida last night and managed to swing by my old roommates new place in ft lauderdale..he had the jersey death in his fridge and hadn't used any since we moved. i remembered to take the JD with me...BUT i forgot a few beers and an almost full handle of rum in his fridge and freezer. didn't get a chance to go back and pick them up either. :rolleyes:

now i guess i'll put them side by side and see if i can tell the difference in heat.
I am hoping I will be happy with this sauce from the reviews you guys are giving. I was over @ hotsauce and ordered 3 bottles of it. So I am really hoping I like it, LOL!