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Blend sauce with mango to finish off

Hey all you sauce masters!
I am going to TRY to finish off my sauce this weekend. Current mash has gone through 2 ferment cycles. Once with just peppers, then once again with added garlic, carrots, and apples. It's been capped and sitting in my fridge for several weeks now and I have been wanting to finish it.
I'm thinking to blend half of this stuff with mango, maybe a little apple cider vinegar, and some sugar and cooking it down. What do you think? Solid plan?
Sounds like a good idea, but I'd be cautious about adding the sugar after adding apples and mango. Blend and taste after adding mango, if you want to then add sugar go for it, but do it gradually.

I'd also make the sauce a little thinner than you would normally. The sugar in the fruits and any added sugar will thicken as they cool.


Shorerider said:
Sounds like a good idea, but I'd be cautious about adding the sugar after adding apples and mango. Blend and taste after adding mango, if you want to then add sugar go for it, but do it gradually.

I'd also make the sauce a little thinner than you would normally. The sugar in the fruits and any added sugar will thicken as they cool.


Thanks!, looks like I have a game plan then. Will post pics up this weekend when I actually get to making it. Really looking forward to using our new blender for this, I've been making smoothies with it and it's soooo smooth.
The ferment/mash itself has been going since last September, so definitely due time to finish it. Though I am thinking just half and keep the other half to start another ferment or maybe make a different sauce, will have to see.
If you really want the mango to stand out, I recommend either adding it at the very end of the cooking process, or adding it after. I have noticed that cooking it depletes its flavor quite a bit.

good idea! maybe I'll make it with the fresh mango first, then cook a little of that result and see which I like better
What are the peppers in your ferment?

hmmm if memory serves it was tepin x lemon drop, another unknown baccatum, and some cayenne type. just random mix
Dumb question #477 today for me.
Why go through all the trouble of a ferment only to cook and cut it at the end with other stuff?
Why not just cook ever 'thang together in the first place rather than ferment to begin with?
Seems to me that the whole idea of fermenting chiles is to get the essence of the chile in its truest form
but made into a sauce no?
To me its like taking some super wombat Bolivian cocaine and cutting it down to 10% with the rest being 
laundry detergent.
texas blues said:
Dumb question #477 today for me.
Why go through all the trouble of a ferment only to cook and cut it at the end with other stuff?
Why not just cook ever 'thang together in the first place rather than ferment to begin with?
Seems to me that the whole idea of fermenting chiles is to get the essence of the chile in its truest form
but made into a sauce no?
To me its like taking some super wombat Bolivian cocaine and cutting it down to 10% with the rest being 
laundry detergent.
From what I understand, it lends a different flavor profile to the end sauce. Much like how you could pickle veggies in vinegar or ferment them with lacto.
filmost said:
From what I understand, it lends a different flavor profile to the end sauce. Much like how you could pickle veggies in vinegar or ferment them with lacto.
Do you have any of the original ferment  held back so you can compare with the second ferment with adjuncts and 
the final add on ingredients?
I reckon I as well as others would find that most interesting and enlightening.
Do your 'thang and by all means please posty up some pics too!
We love pics.
texas blues said:
Do you have any of the original ferment  held back so you can compare with the second ferment with adjuncts and 
the final add on ingredients?
I reckon I as well as others would find that most interesting and enlightening.
Do your 'thang and by all means please posty up some pics too!
We love pics.
I only have the one ferment that went through two active cycles. Haven't processed yet, but do plant to only use half of the one. Gonna keep the other half in the fridge to age. Will definitely post pics when I get to it this weekend.
I finished my sauce!

Unfortunately, I forgot to take pics as I was making it, but here's an Instagram vid as I was finishing up!


Sauce has a wonderful taste. All I added was a 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar and a handful of frozen mango chunks which really rounded out the flavor. It's also super smooth and remains unstrained. I heated it up to a boil then capped in a hot water bath.
Looks great mate, good color and very nice pour consistency. If you hot filled, couldn't you have just hot filled then inverted to sterilize the lid? Why the need to hot bath? Not that it would hurt though, maybe just unnecessary. 
Take pics next time damn it!!