blending your beans

i was making some fresh ground cayenne seasoning today with the coffee grinder, (some freshly dehydrated cayennes, and some dehydrated garlic and onion and a pinch of sea salt) when the strangest idea hit me....

for a nice spicy soup that is bean based (and of course pepper based) why not grind the beans up first before cooking them to reduce cook time, and probably get a smoother consistency. For example most people soak black beans overnight, and a lot of lentils take over an hour on the stove top before they're soft.....I'm trying it right now, I'll let you know how it comes out
Bean powders are used as thickeners and flavor enhancers. A whole soup from bean powder sounds like it may turn to glue but let us know.
I think there's room for exploration here.................

A thoroughly cooked pea soup is of a puree consistency, but a chili concoction with beans/meat of varying degrees of mush are always in debate............

A bean POWDER soup may be very................uhmmm...........THICK.............

but a bean doesn't have to be ground into a POWDER.......perhaps it's a chunky bean grind......which I think would work well for a soup.....

I've purchased chili spice packages (for making your own soup/chili at home) that include thickeners of different ingredients.
experiment eaten....

sauteed onions, garlic with some butter in a pot
added half lb of whole green lentils and added enough water until completely covered by half inch
added one whole dried orange hab
brought to boil
added half cup of black bean "powder" (was mostly powdery but still had a bit of coarseness to it)
stirred well, put the lid on, and reduced to low heat
let simmer one hour fifteen minutes, stirring every fifteen minutes to prevent burning

it was inevitable that the finish product stuck to the bottom of the pan, as the consistency was that of runny mash potatoes, so I added water until desired consistency.

Oddly enough even though the black beans were pulverized into little bits, after an hour of cooking, they were still not complete mush, the bean soup still had an interesting overall texture, not just "pureed" texture, but little tiny was good though, just not what i expected. Flavor was really good for something that didn't have meat in it!

I may use bean powder to thicken other things in the hot sauces......!?!?!?

hotenuff4u said:
I'm beaned out for sure

And that is why you soak beans overnight, and then rinse them really well. It seriously reduces the amount of gas you will get. Also adding a little cardamom powder to the beans helps kill gas and adds some nice flavor.

I hurt myself with the gas when i tried powdered beans as a camping dinner. I made a couple of bags of crushed beans, spices, and dehydrated corn, onion, peppers, and sealed them up for Emergency food/lazy camping food packs. It was easy to make and tasty, but oh man did it bring the pain a few hours later.