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Blue's Habanera Reserve Test

Hey Folks:

I'm the owner of Blue's Carolina Pepper Sauce. The hot sauce blog did a favorable review of my sauce a few months ago. Since that review the sauce has expanded into about 80 markets.

I am currently contemplating a limited edition habanero reserve sauce and would like to know if anyone would be interested?? The sauce would be a blend of cayenne and apple smoked red savina peppers. Any serious reviewers can email me at bluesbbq@carolina.rr.com and I will send a sample. If the interest is there, I will send the formula to my copacker for production.

imaguitargod said:
It's a blast isn't it? I hope you keep coming back!

LOL, thank you. I must say, it takes some dedication to eat that sucker.

Actually, my true mission is to create a reverse anti-heat anti-matter that makes the day after more palatable.

Please consult your proctologist. Common side affects include rectal vomitting, hot flashes and the need for more.


Seriously, help me hone this sauce, it's close.
[quote name='Blue's']Please give me input privately, good or bad. I do need input from real pepper lovers. From the pics I saw elsewhere on this site, MAN, you fit the bill. I can't believe you ate that pepper without a seatbelt on. Hopefully, you had one on the next day.

Thanks for the help.

PM sent, thanks for including me.
New sauce is much better! Thicker, hotter! It's on the sweet side, but that is what you are going for, a hot/sweet sauce, and the balance is much better. Go for it! I'll be using this bottle. Good job.
I used it as a kicked-up ketchup on fries. Works well. Something tells me this would be good on seafood... oysters, shrimp. I don't eat that stuff, though.
Thanks for the good input.

Do ya think this product is worth the cost of re-labeling, test run with co-packer, marketing, etc. Initial cost would be around $2,000.00. just to get going.


Well Blue's,
that is the ultimate question you have to ask yourself...
we just gave you some feedbacks, the go ahead is for you to decide. The price sounds ok with everything included...
just my 2 cents...
marcosauces said:
Well Blue's,
that is the ultimate question you have to ask yourself...
we just gave you some feedbacks, the go ahead is for you to decide. The price sounds ok with everything included...
just my 2 cents...

Actually, I am an FDA approved manufacturer so I could do limited quantities out of the house. My only major cost becomes label design and printing costs. I'm already sitting on pallets of bottles, caps and shrink bands. I'd put the price at 5.49 for a 5 oz bottle. Any interest?
