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Blue's Sauce- Habanero Reserve

Greetings to All:

My Habanero Reserve is being finished and will be available as soon as the graghic artist has completed the label design.

Here is a list of the ingredients in order:

Lemon Juice, Cider vinegar, Fresh Red Savina Habanero Peppers, Tomato, Cayenne Peppers, Chili Peppers, Black Pepper, Sugar, Salt, garlic, Xanthan Gum.

What do you think of the ingredients? I'm looking for some feedback.

Hey Blue, sorry I never got back to you about the PM you sent me two weeks ago. It's been chaos lately. I'm glad you found someone!

As for the ingredients, after trying the sauce, they are great!
imaguitargod said:
Hey Blue, sorry I never got back to you about the PM you sent me two weeks ago. It's been chaos lately. I'm glad you found someone!

As for the ingredients, after trying the sauce, they are great!

Hey Jon:

You will flip with this finished product. The prototype you had was close, but this product is the real deal.

[quote name='Blue's']

What do you think of the ingredients? I'm looking for some feedback.


Isn't it too late to ask, lol... stop second guessing yourself :shocked:

Moved to The Test Kitchen.
thehotpepper.com said:
Isn't it too late to ask, lol... stop second guessing yourself :(

Moved to The Test Kitchen.

Trust me, I'm not second guessing, just wanted to see if anyone had good or bad comments on the ingredients, i.e. xanthan gum. The sauce is a winner and hopefully will be on a shelf near you soon.

[quote name='Blue's']Trust me, I'm not second guessing, just wanted to see if anyone had good or bad comments on the ingredients, i.e. xanthan gum. The sauce is a winner and hopefully will be on a shelf near you soon.


Xantham gum's fine, it's natural ya know. :(
imaguitargod said:
Xantham gum's fine, it's natural ya know. :(

I worked with modified food starch and some others and they are a pain. It was kinda like making a rou (spelling). It would be too hard for the co-packer, though they would've done it.

Xanthan gum is natural, and easy to work with: however, if you snort it, it makes you kinda stiffen up.

Hey Sevver:

Thanks for the orders. My final sauce rocks. Xanthan gum is a beautiful thing. It makes old men young, fixes highways, balences the budget, and makes skinny people fat. (or vice versa)
