• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bluesman´s 2015

 This season is a wild season. Previous seasons I have my greenhouse 90% full of chilis, now very little.
I´ll post some pics of a typical season in Finland.

150213, the basement of my house. NFT:s.

Problem. 010413.


The seedlings in. 100413.

Bonda ma Jacques 040513.



Bonda ma Jacques produced  13,5kg (29lbs) during the season.
Next time I post I try not to put so many fotos.
You've got a great looking grow! Have you got any updated pics of your awesome mutant candlelight? I've seen it all over FB and that thing is just super cool. I'd love to grow it someday if at all possible. Trade or even buy a few if and when you ever have some extra available. I'm sure you've had many requests for this little beauty and there's probably a waiting list

Started moving the plants from my  garage to Bluesfarm. The nights are still somewhat frosty but with proper insulation and some heaters the plants (Chilis, tomatoes, aubergines and so on)will survive. 
Above a flower pic of Rocoto Riesen Gelb (Giant yellow rocoto).

The same plant, should be bigger by the way it grew the first 1 meter.

Ulupica XL. The berries are about an inch by diameter. No ripe ones yet.

An ant is in the middle of the picture. They love the floorheating. What do you people use as a repellent? I´ve used aspartam (the sweetener in several soft drinks). It doesn´t kill the ants but they move to another place. Cinnamon works too.

Watering muliple plants is easy with this plastic wide box, or whatsitsname.
There´s plenty of room but not for long; the hydro plants are coming pretty soon. The weather forecast don´t have any frosts in a few weeks  period.
Great photos. I'm really liking the Ulupica XL have you tried them before? If so how would,you,describe the taste/heat of them? Thank you
FreeportBum said:
Great photos. I'm really liking the Ulupica XL have you tried them before? If so how would,you,describe the taste/heat of them? Thank you
Well, it is a cross between Orange rocoto and C.cardenasii Ulupica large but not my cross. I´ve had both parents but I´ve never tasted the XL. 
Soon I´ll make a tasting report.

Here´s a link to chiliforum in Finland about DIY NFT:s;  http://chilifoorumi.fi/index.php?topic=12678.msg234515#msg234515
If the google translator won´t help enough I may answer your questions.

Moving the plants from my garage to Bluesfarm , 30min car drive. A couple of losses , branches were cracked while from the car to the gh by heavy wind.
In the pic above; left, Jalapeño cracked, middle pic, Aji cristal and Oxkutzcabian orange on the right. Compared to last season´s plants, these are a lot smaller.

C.baccatum Stripe.
Looking good.  What do you do with all your peppers?  Sauces?  I noticed you mentioned something about fermenting upthread.
The non mutant Candlelight is a beautiful plant but the mutants have a beauty all their own. Gnarly and twisted. Love that foliage
The eximium has lovely flowers