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bonchi challenge?

who would be up for a bonchi challenge or grow log? if we did a challenge the winner could be by a vote on the best looking one or something along those lines. i was thinking it would be a fun thing to do because it wouldnt take up too much space and they can be grown inside or outside so everyone could compete. it would be cool to see all the varieties miniaturized.
well that is if you want the thick wood stem but you can go right from the seed to plant in a small container just it will look a little off. not sure yet about the details just getting a feel if anyone would be in to do it.
In that article you posted in the other thread, He took several seedlings and tied them together....then let them all bond as they grew....if you did that with, for example, several Habanero varieties, it would look sort of like a christmas tree :)
I'd be in...but for most of us US growers it would be a fun one to run in the fall when we're cutting back our overwinter plants...We could go sooner but they wouldn't look as great.
Unless you have an overwinter to use.....but that would limit the participants....Maybe a community glog now, and then let a competition "stem" from there in the winter, when there are more thicker stems to be selected from :)
thats what i was thinking and the rules could be it has to be a first year plant, any specie, it has to be productive meaning it has to have be producing peppers. anything else?
So, plant seedlings now, select at the end of the season, and bring indoors etc....then spend the winter nurturing it....then see what we get :)
Could be a 2 year project/competition :)
So, for example start it whenever you want, but post a photo with seedling and a newspaper headline page with date, Then post Same plant all nurtured up into a Bonchi with pods with another Newspaper Headline with date.....I like it

Also, I like the idea of a simultaneous Community Glog and Challenge, in one thread.

So people could get seedlings going for the challenge, and also for fun, not the challenge, use an overwinter and post about those too :)
Hmmmm, I don't know..but I bet we could all come up with something....like some pods from everyone's entries, or really anything that sounds good
yea box of peppers we put together from the plants should be cool


This tepin is ridiculous!!!!!
OK, So after visiting the garden shed where my overwinter sticks are located. I found the best/gnarliest one, which just so happens to be the daughter's long suffering jalapeno from the fair :) And it even has some signs of life, if I look really really close...LOL


Here is a closer view of the trunk


I'm going to cut a branch off of one of my over-winters and see if I can get it to take root. I've never cloned a plant before. If it works then I'm down for the challenge.

I like this idea too! It would open up options to use the freakiest ooking branch :)
nice should be good one!! i will be entering either a sepia serpent, primo, infinity, or cumari. decisions decisions decisions... :think: