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bonchi challenge?

I just went to the germ trays and sowed 10 Serranno seeds together in one jiffy pellet...lol
I figure they can grow and fuse together into a freak of nature :)
I'm thinking I will do one (or more) with some mixed superhots or Habaneros too! I just did the Serranos because I had the extra seeds :)
I am way too excited about Bonchi plants now.....LOLOL!!
i know what you mean the thought of having to stop having fresh peppers in the winter sucked but now i can have them year round :P

everyone feel free to post ideas or thoughts about the contest
i fused two chocolate bell pepper plants last spring and holy crap is it strong... it exploded back with growth, and had a 30lb laundry detergent bucket fall directly on it from 5' up... it's totally fine and didn't even cause a hiccup in it's growth or break the stems apart. this sounds like a really fun idea guys, i'd totally be up for participating, i grew tons of seedlings with the intention of fusing a few because of how strong the bell has become. whatever you guys want to do for the contest is fine with me.
Would this be a better idea? The rules would be any year plant meaning it could be a 5 year overwinter and the height limit would be 1 foot pot included in height and it can be flowering, putting out pods or just leaves. It will be judged by the public via vote. Everyone entering has to have a separate type of pepper meaning two separate contestants cannot have the same variety of pepper(this rule is being made just to make sure we get to see a wide variety of bonchis). If a tie is judged between two contestants they will have to fight to the death just kidding it will be a coin flip
ooooooooh 1ft... i dunno about that, i'm trying to pump some pods out of my plants this year... the fusions will be fun enough unless it's next spring... then i would have something fun to bring to the table :) i'd want to do a fusion plant. even then i'd want a 2 ft limit; i've seen some impressive large bonsai plants, i wouldn't want to limit creativity now :party:
I was thinking the same thing about size, and variety, every bonchi will look different anyway.

Maybe we have it be like a streetfight...no rules...lol!!!
I think it brings a better atmosphere if there are less rules but I want there to be as much variety in pepper as possible i dont want 15 bhut bonsais I want only 1 of each. Also I want mild medium hot and super hot bonsais I will be impressed with milds. I want someone to bonsai a bell pepper!!!
I ordered some mini bell pepper seeds :) But I don't know how many there will be. I want to eat a ton of them though...lol

Ok, how about something like this.....

maybe we have a dual Bonchi Brawl.

1. Overwinters - To be voted on last day of October.

2 Started from seedlings - To be voted on May 1 2014

1. Choose your varieties, and everyone agrees to not duplicate them
2. Final entry must be chosen before the voting for the each category
3. Two foot high limit, including the pot.
Yes those would be good rules but we have to look at a fair date for both West and east coast guys because desert growers have a longer grower season than most east coast guys so I will look at all end of season days and find a good date
sounds good, but here in the high desert we have a short season due to frost until around may 1....lol
I figure my bonchi plans imclude indoors and lights :)
Sounds like a nice idea, I'm gifting away some of my bonchis anyway, so maybe I'm going to participate.

About the fusing Ideas: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can fuse two different varieties, if they even fuse, they'll still be two separate plants competing for root-space. Grafting multiple varieties on one stem could work though. Fusing rooted cuttings from one plant should work best, same DNA.
Yea I understand what you are saying but we thought it would cool to do that after seeing a couple examples of it on that link and wow you're gifting them away?