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Bottled sauce issue, assistance needed

A question for the sauce experts. I have been using a sauce that was made back in October; a basic Fresno sauce with the usual ingredients and white vinegar. It has been stored in a woozy in the refrigerator since it was made. I have been using it three or so times a week. For the last week or so, I’ve noticed gas escaping when I open it and bubbles in the half remaining sauce. No discoloration, mold, unpleasant smell, etc. Should I be concerned? Is this natural fermentation or is something else going on? TIA
A question for the sauce experts. I have been using a sauce that was made back in October; a basic Fresno sauce with the usual ingredients and white vinegar. It has been stored in a woozy in the refrigerator since it was made. I have been using it three or so times a week. For the last week or so, I’ve noticed gas escaping when I open it and bubbles in the half remaining sauce. No discoloration, mold, unpleasant smell, etc. Should I be concerned? Is this natural fermentation or is something else going on? TIA

Did you cook the sauce or is it a blend of pickled indgredients? Has the solids separsted from the liquid??

gas and bubbles does sound like a fermentation is happening. Hopefully one of the fermentation guru's will chime in with more info. There is a fermentation thread pinned in one of these forums.
Procedure used: raw ingredients boiled to soften, contents pureed in blender, sauce strained, to remove seeds, etc., returned to pot and spices and vinegar added, simmered 15 min., tested with wine making litmus paper for pH (I know, do not have pH meter), xanthum gum added (no separation in the sauce), bottled and refrigerated.

I’ve briefed thru the fermentation thread, but did not seem to find my issue discussed.

I’ve probably made 100+ sauces over the last couple of years. Most are canned; give away to friends and neighbors. This is the first time that I’ve experienced the issue mentioned. Just attempting to increase my knowledge on the matter. Again thanks for responding.

it's a lager....lol

Lager, meh. But a good IPA, now your talking!
Boiling removes all the flavor you do not need to do that before you cook it.