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bottling Bottling Options for My Hot Salt

So, before the end of the summer, I'm gonna be putting out my reaper salt. ready for production.
from day 1, my thought process was going with a coarse salt and bottling with a grinder top.

then I saw this ... and really liked the whole mason jar idea....

Going with a course salt in packaging with an open top doesnt seem to ideal (at least to me), as who wants big chunks of salt on their food, so if I went with this version, I'd go with a more fine version of the salt, that can be pinched or served with a small spoon...
I see grinders a lot and it seems more ideal, but I dig the mason jar bottling too....Sitting on the fence waiting for a breeze to push me in one direction or the other....
If buying an item like this, what would be your preference?

I guess the grinder. Not an interesting product to me unless you grew the peppers or infused the salt (preferably both).

Just MHO

No offense intended - I see the market quickly saturating with infusions and 99.999% of them are things I can go online and order from the source.

Maybe I'm short-sighted but when customers ask me where I got my hickory smoked sea salt or habanero infused sea salt, I give them the website. lol
Oh I get it - I've seen several vendors at the fair with this exact thing. Habanero salt, smoked salts, scorpion salts, etc. I've asked about sales & they said the milder ones sell better.

From what I gather he jalapeño salt sells better of the pepper salts, but they said the smoked salts in the grinder shaker outsell the pepper salts 5:1

That's real world feedback, but from a California demographic - so uh, take it with a grain of salt?
Gemini Crow Sauce Company said:
#wordplay #iseewhatyoudidthere #goodstuff
but you are right as well....I do plan on a much milder spicy salt as well...I had secured a nice batch of reaper flakes (while in season and available), so I jumped.....
Good call. I felt like David Caruso taking off his glasses when I said that. 
Sorry for the sarcasm - it was the end of a loooooong day 8 at the fair and I get a little...salty. 

browsing through some of the old posts and came back to this one...
i have been doing the reaper salt in the grinder bottles and it is going over gang busters......people go gaga over it, so it's a keeper...
early 2nd quarter (maybe in time for the nyc expo), im gonna have the milder Jalapeno version as Scott mentioned/suggested earlier in the thread....
*thumbs up*
I would buy a smaller container over a huge one.  Im not going to be using it every time i cook and people are worried about salt intake. Also i like grinders, much easier to get even distribution and courser salt delivers salt in crunchy bursts where fine salt has no mouth feel and is like drinking from the ocean. I use kosher generally. 