auction Box-O-Bhuts Auction

The auction will end at 12pm est today. If there are last minute bids, I will extend the auction by 2 minutes after each bid. If there are no bids for 2 minutes in a row after 12pm, the last bidder will win!

BONUS PRIZE! I want the winner to get a great deal, so I've decided to throw in some extra naga morich pods. They're small due to the bad weather we've had here lately but they're still tasty and HOT! I will fill every nook and cranny between the bhuts with nagas.

The winner will recieve 40 bhut jolokia, 2 chocolate bhut jolokia and 20 naga morich pods!

The nagas next to a 3 1/2 inch bhut.

All the pods up for auction.

Enjoy the auction! Good luck to all!
Yes congrats that is a nice score,that is like 50 cents a pepper or close to it. Really need to get a paypal account so I can join the fun.
Thanks guys - these will be my first superhots, so I'm pretty excited to get them and try them out. But also a little nervous about the heat... :onfire:
Thanks guys - these will be my first superhots, so I'm pretty excited to get them and try them out. But also a little nervous about the heat... :onfire:
Awesome! I'm really glad to give you your first true burn. If your nervous now, wait til you have the pepper in your hand.

It would be perfect if you shot a video or write a post about the experience. Enjoy!

Thanks to all who participated!
Thats a nice score for 32 bucks. What a bonus at the last minute, 20 naga morich.

I second the recommendation of recording your first superhot experience. It would be an awesome addition to this post.
The box came in the mail yesterday with extra peppers! It was awesome. And per your suggestions I video taped my first superhot experience. I've posted it here:

I'll post pics on that thread later