• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

bpiela 2021 glog Fingers Crossed

Some time has gone by and I am thinking I might be in the clear.  I am not 100% sure, but to this date, I have not seen any signs of bad pepper virus' or even bugs for that matter so I am going to attempt  to start a glog and hope for the best.
Today, I started potting up my baccatums and some annuums.  My chinense have been potted up and are looking fine.  To start out, here are a pic of my two grow shelves:


I have seen pretty good germination rates this year.  Some of the older seeds didn't do well and if they did germinate, sometimes they were just helmet heads.  As always, I grow too many plants.   Lists to come.
bpiela said:
Got a Rocopica doing well.  Just shot up real tall an is starting to flower.
Super awesome, Ben. That one is about 20x the size of mine!
CaneDog said:
That guy's looking great.  Plenty of action on the laterals, too.
Those purple flower blossoms are cool, especially with the gnarly calyx teeth sticking out.  
Right on, CD, first thing that struck me as well!
Can't wait to see the Rocopica Brown getting its
grow on like that one.
Did yours ever come to fruition, CD? My seeds
were really stubborn. Zero in round One, and 2/7
in a subsequent AeroGarden Start. I was hoping
you had better luck with them.
PaulG said:
Super awesome, Ben. That one is about 20x the size of mine!
Right on, CD, first thing that struck me as well!
Can't wait to see the Rocopica Brown getting its grow on like that one.
Did yours ever come to fruition, CD? My seeds were really stubborn. Zero in round One, and 2/7 in a subsequent AeroGarden Start. I was hoping you had better luck with them.
I appreciate you sending those to me and I'm hanging onto them, but the only new Rocopica I planted this season were my F2 Rocoto 1242 x Eximium 1491 (an attempt at orange pods and maybe a shape variation).  I kept my brown-pod F2 Rocopica overwinter though, and it's just now starting to get going again.  I'm really interested to see what your F3's look like this year as it's a great chance to see the full potential.  I'm also really curious what Ben's will look like as it's off to a great start and as an F2 it could be something new and unique.
I was moving plants around today, trying to find some that weren't getting as much light and I noticed something odd about one of the Jalapeno Tiger plants that I am growing.  Not sure if this is a leaf thing or if it is supposed to do this.
Here is a pic of two of the Jalapeno Tiger plants I am growing:

Note the one of the left has some leaf discoloration.  I thought at first that might have been a weird leaf issue but it looks like many of the leaves have it.
Here is a top down pic of the plant in question:

Here is a top down pic of the other plant that looks like a regular pepper plant:

Anyone grow these before that might have some experience with this plant?  I got the seeds off of the 2019 Seed Train.  MidWest Chili Heads put the seeds on the train....
Thanks in advance!
Mini update.  Still trying to get the garden ready for planting.  Been busy.  Mostly to remind myself when I did things.
I weeded and tilled the garden and created rows to walk through. 
I started laying down irrigation for the first time ever. Here is the 1/2" tubing as the main line:

And here is a shot with the drip tape laid out.  Looks like a rabbit walked across the garden recently.:

Next steps will be to put down a laying of straw mulch over the entire garden.  Then I will top that with reflective mulch over just the areas that will have plants.  Hopefully it will look good and be functional.
bpiela said:
Mini update.  Still trying to get the garden ready for planting.  Been busy.  Mostly to remind myself when I did things.
I weeded and tilled the garden and created rows to walk through. 
I started laying down irrigation for the first time ever. Here is the 1/2" tubing as the main line:
And here is a shot with the drip tape laid out.  Looks like a rabbit walked across the garden recently.:
Next steps will be to put down a laying of straw mulch over the entire garden.  Then I will top that with reflective mulch over just the areas that will have plants.  Hopefully it will look good and be functional.
Your drip system looks great- nice and simple.
Should be easy to manage and tweak. I have 
never used drip tape since I don't have an in-ground
plot, but I will be interested to see how it works for you.
The plan for the mulch, etc. seems very sound.
The plot should look awesome after you follow
Skullbiker's advice! It looks like you will have a
great season after last year's disappointment, Ben.
Ok.  Plants are in the ground and whatever didn't make it is going to containers.
Here are the next pics.
Straw mulch thrown down in clumps.

Here I start to apply the reflective mulch.  Not too difficult putting it down.  But, cutting holes and then planting in those holes is a real pita.  I don't think I will do this ever again.  Too much work.  Plus, the reflective mulch makes it impossible to plant during a sunny day.  It is too bright, very blinding.

Here is a pic with all the plants in.  So, they are only spaced one foot apart which is the spacing of the water holes on the drip tape.  Plants looking like they need a serious jolt of Nitrogen so I will get that going asap.
Cool garden!  Can't wait to see it colored up with all those different varieties.
The reflective stuff looks like it would run easily.  I might tape the ends of the cuts.