• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

BPWilly's 2014 grow

Well, I am finally creating a blog here.  I started making my wish list back last year and collected seeds throughout the year.  Weeded it down a bit, but then I ordered some addtional seeds from PepperLover and of course I got a bunch or extra seeds which I had to include in my grow this year.
Here is the list of what I finally put into the germination pots.  I listed where I got the seeds so I could trace how successful they were as well as what the differences might be is I have the same kind of pepper from a couple different sources.
These were all started Mid January.
Type                                                   Obtained from
7 Pod Barackpore                               seed swap  June 2013  Torno
7 Pod Brain Strain Yellow                    Pepperlover Orig and bills 2013 seeds
7 Pot Brain Strain 2014                      PepperLover
7 Pot Chaguanas  purple                    Pepperlover Orig and bills 2013 seeds
7 Pot Congo SR Gigantic Yellow        PepperLover
7 Pot Jonah                                         PepperLover
7 Pot Primo                                         Watcom Seed
7 Pot White                                         PepperLover
Aji Panca                                             PepperLover
Bahamian Goat peppers                      From MidWestChilihead  2013
Bhut Jolokia                                        seed swap  June 2013  Sicman
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate                       seed swap  June 2013  Brad Ford OP
Bhut Jolokia Peach                             PepperLover
Bhut Jolokia Red                                Pepperlover
Bhut Jolokia White                             Pepperlover Orig and bills 2013 seeds
Bhut Jolokia Yellow                            PepperLover
Biquinho Yellow                                 seed swap  June 2013  Dragon Peppers
Black Naga                                         PepperLover
Blue Mystery                                      PepperLover
Carolina Reaper                                  Pepper Joes   Orig order 2012 and bills 2013 seeds
Charleston Hot                                    seed swap  June 2013  RedHawk
Chocolate 7 Pot                                  PepperLover
Chocolate Habanero                           seed swap  June 2013  Sicman
Chocolate Habanero                           PepperLover
Congo Trinidad Black                                    PepperLover
Congo Trinidad Red                           Tomato Growers 2012 and Bills 2013 seeds
Congo Trinidad Yellow                        PepperLover
Devils Tongue Chocolate                    PepperLover
Devils Tongue Yellow                          PepperLover
Dorset Naga                                        seed swap  June 2013 - Unknown
Dorset Naga  2014                              PepperLover
Fatalii Chocolate                                 PepperLover
Fatalii Yellow                                      Tomato Growers 2012
Fish Pepper                                         seed swap  June 2013  Spoonman
Fresno                                                 Wapato 2012 Orig and bills 2013 seeds
Giant Mexican Rocoto                        PepperLover
Habanero Big Sun                               PepperLover
Habanero Chocolate Long                  seed swap  June 2013  Dragon Peppers
Habanero Mustard                              PepperLover
Habanero White                                  PepperLover
Jalapeno                                              Wapato 2012 Orig
Jalapeno Corking                                seed swap  June 2013 - Unknown
Jalapeno Cracked                                PepperLover
Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet          PepperLover
Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnets MoA         From Steve954
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion                From Maxius
Lemon Drop                                        seed swap  June 2013  Sicman
Lemon Drop (ají limon)                       Totally Tomatoes  bills 2013 seeds and Orig
Manzano                                             Smokemaster  2013
Mystery                                               seed swap  June 2013  nutenaro
Nagabon                                              seed swap  June 2013
Red Goat                                            Wapato 2012 Orig and bills 2013 seeds
Silver Surfer seeds                              seed swap  June 2013
Super Chile                                         seed swap  June 2013
Sweet Cayenne                                   PepperLover
Tepin                                                   seed swap  June 2013  Brad Ford OP
Trinidad 7 Pot Brain Strain                 Pepperlover Orig and bills 2013 seeds
Trinidad Douglah                                PepperLover
Trinidad Perfume                                PepperLover
Trinidad Scorpion                               seed swap  June 2013  Sicman
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T strain       seed swap  June 2013
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T strain       Pepperlover Orig and bills 2013 seeds
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga                  PepperLover
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga                  seed swap  June 2013  Sicman
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow     PepperLover
Trinidad Scorpion Orange                  PepperLover
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow                  PepperLover
Trinidad Scotch Bonnet Red              PepperLover
Trinidad Smooth                                 PepperLover
True Cumari                                        PepperLover
Unknown pepper                                From Maxius
Off to the races,  Will include pictures of how it is going so far.
So far they seem OK, but the cooler temps have slowed them down a bit.  The ones in the ground have good drainage, so no problem, and all my plastic pots have drainage holes as well.  Even the self watering pots will drain if they get to much water from the rain.  I just worry about to washing away a lot of the nutrients, but then that is a year around issue here, so we should be OK.
I will have to get some fresh pictures, as I saw that I have a ripe Fresno and a ripe unknown kind (one of the mystery peppers  from Nutenaro)  I got in the seed swap a year or so ago)  I also saw that the Blue Mystery has a few very small pods on it as well as one of the white Bhuts.  Progress, but slow. 
I also picked up a couple of 10 gallon fabric pots this weekend and transplanted a couple of pepper plants from Plastic pots into them, as a experiment to see if they do better than the others that are in the plastic pots.
We just need some warm weather now!
I'm thinking about replacing some my plastic pots for fabrics as well. I think I'll wait for roots to grow a little more before transplanting. That's great you have some color already. Thanks for the update.
The garden looks it will be bountiful!! So many peppers!! 
I'm also going to be transplanting all of my peppers into grow bags when they are big enough. I think it's better then the traditional containers as it allows the roots to breath and drain better when they need too.
OCD Chilehead said:
I'm thinking about replacing some my plastic pots for fabrics as well. I think I'll wait for roots to grow a little more before transplanting. That's great you have some color already. Thanks for the update.
OCD, I am sure that by repoting just now, I have set them back a bit, so if they do kick butt, then I will know it was a worthwhile experiment.  But based on a sampling of 2 plants, it will have limited facts!  As for the color, I had some nachos last night and sliced up the first fresno on top of it.  Nice flavor, little heat, and great to be eating a fresh pod again.
LS929 said:
The garden looks it will be bountiful!! So many peppers!! 
I'm also going to be transplanting all of my peppers into grow bags when they are big enough. I think it's better then the traditional containers as it allows the roots to breath and drain better when they need too.
LS929,   That is what I am counting on with the roots being able to get ait better and not get as rootbound.  But time will tell.  Will be interested in seeing how they do, as well as how well the bags hold up.  We live in a very rainy area and I have them elevated, so they are not sitting on the ground.  If they were on the ground, I figure they would rot before the season is over.  Everything around here is green, but half of that is mold/moss!
I grew in #5s last year. They where root bound like crazy. This year I went a little bigger. The plants I have in #5s this year, are going into bigger fabric pots, and or the ground. Congrats on fresh pod snack. It's always gratifying munching on self grown produce.
I hear you on the 5 gal issue.  I have a lot in them again this year, but I also went with some about (15) 12 gallon pots and a couple that are closer to 20 gal.  Some of the plansts did get pretty big (for me), but not as large as some I see.  I know my Fatalli and Congos put out a lot of pods, but I would like to see how they do in larger pots.  The ones in the ground did a lot better in size as well as pod production.  I am sure there are so many variables that it is hard to think they will always act the same, but haviong the roots able to stretch out seems like it would be best for them.  My personal therory with no facts but a gut feel.  I think for me, I just need to get a feel for how large some of these plants get, and I can use the 5 gal buckets for the ones that are on the smaller side.  I have my Manzanos in the largest pots, because some of the pictures I have seen on this list of these plants are huge!
Speaking of smaller, I am thinking I started my Jalpenos to early this year.  They have pods, but quite a few of the plants only stand about 6-8 high and do nto seem to be getting much larger.  I am use to them getting a few feet tall at least, but these act like dwarfs.  Might have to see about making a Bonchi out of one of them later this fall.  Will get some pics to show what I am talking about.
bpwilly said:
I hear you on the 5 gal issue.  I have a lot in them again this year, but I also went with some about (15) 12 gallon pots and a couple that are closer to 20 gal.  Some of the plansts did get pretty big (for me), but not as large as some I see.  I know my Fatalli and Congos put out a lot of pods, but I would like to see how they do in larger pots.  The ones in the ground did a lot better in size as well as pod production.  I am sure there are so many variables that it is hard to think they will always act the same, but haviong the roots able to stretch out seems like it would be best for them.  My personal therory with no facts but a gut feel.  I think for me, I just need to get a feel for how large some of these plants get, and I can use the 5 gal buckets for the ones that are on the smaller side.  I have my Manzanos in the largest pots, because some of the pictures I have seen on this list of these plants are huge!
Speaking of smaller, I am thinking I started my Jalpenos to early this year.  They have pods, but quite a few of the plants only stand about 6-8 high and do nto seem to be getting much larger.  I am use to them getting a few feet tall at least, but these act like dwarfs.  Might have to see about making a Bonchi out of one of them later this fall.  Will get some pics to show what I am talking about.
This year is more of a trial season for me. Experimenting with variety and growing techniques suitable for my climate. Next year going to ground for sure. I will still grow some in pots. Thanks and have fun out in the garden.
Well, I have been busy and slow to update so here goes a quick one.  We have been getting a lot of sun and heat here the past week, and my peppers are loving it.  The ones that were doing well, look great, and the ones I was wordied about are kicking into gear, so all seems to be good right now.
Have managed to pick some ripe early (small) Jalapemos, Fresnos, and a mix I have they called red goat, but sure looks like a Fresno.  Plus I got a few early Lemon Drops and 2 Charleston Hots and a few very small early Bahamian Goats.  Fresh peppers again!
Here are a few shots to show some of the plants
Lemon Drops
Early Jalapenos, Fresnos, and a small Fish pepper center bottom
More Jalapenos, fresnos, Lemon Drops, Charleston Hots and the Bahamian Goats
Plants are loving the heat, but I can not say the same about me.  I love it, but am melting in it as well.  All you growers in the south have my respect when it comes to living in the heat!  
Time to take the Buell Uly out for a run on the back roads.
Real Bikers understand exactly why
dogs stick their heads out of car windows
Wow!  Your plants look great.  And your lemon drops look awesome!  I've only got a couple starting to ripen, and they aren't as filled out as yours.
Quick question: I noticed in your buckets you have a piece of PVC pipe sticking out of the soil.  What is that for?
I'm really glad to hear your grow is on the rebound. My plants are surviving to say the least. The temps have been in the mid to upper 90s for awhile, no end in sight. Manzano's look fantastic. Nice ripe pull you got there. I bet there is some nice riding up there. Enjoy.

Have a great week Bill

turbo said:
Wow!  Your plants look great.  And your lemon drops look awesome!  I've only got a couple starting to ripen, and they aren't as filled out as yours.
Quick question: I noticed in your buckets you have a piece of PVC pipe sticking out of the soil.  What is that for?
Turbo, If you look at the buckets closely, you will see that it is actually 2 buckets, one inside the other.  The PVC pipe goes down to the bottom one, and I can water it through there and not get the top of the soil wet.  Works well when I am having gnat issues.  I do this once the plant is extablish enough to have roots that go down real low in the pot.  When first transplanted, I still water from the top.  The inside bucket has the bottom filled with small drilled holes so water and roots can pass through.  The outside bucket had a drain hole in the side about 2 inches up so it does not get waterlogged.  I hope this long winded explanation helps
OCD Chilehead said:
I'm really glad to hear your grow is on the rebound. My plants are surviving to say the least. The temps have been in the mid to upper 90s for awhile, no end in sight. Manzano's look fantastic. Nice ripe pull you got there. I bet there is some nice riding up there. Enjoy.

Have a great week Bill

Chuck,  We have been having some real nice sun and hotter weather than normal for us, and my plants are loving it.  I can really see a difference in all of them over the past 7-10 days.  We could use a lot more of this, but maybe a little cooler, as we are not use to heat much in the upper 80's.  It would take me a long time to acclimate to your weather!  I might have to go stand in the shower a lot.
I am really looking forward to tasting the Manzano's.  I have never had one, and have not found any stores around here that carry them seasonal or not, so I figure this is my only way to try them out.
We do have some real nice rides up here.  With all the mountain ranges, there are some terrific back roads and national forest parks with all the corners and scenery you could hope for.
Thanks for the info. Maybe some day I will take my bike to the North West. Sounds like nice riding. Isn't there some kind of pepper event up there? I thought I saw someone post awhile back. Maybe Salsa Lady? I'll have to look into that. Never had a Manzano. Let us know what you think of them. Seems everyone has them on there list.

Have a great week.
PM me and include a address.  I still have some seeds that Smokemaster gave me a while back that I can share.  I may also have some Giant Mex Rocoto seeds, but will need to check.
Yes, there has been a few yearly events up here that Salsa lady helped set up, along with a few others.  I found out about it last year, but was not able to make it.  Someday!
Thanks Bill. Will do. I would love to go to the Annual National Fiery Foods & Barbecue Show in Albuquerque, NM as well someday. Have to put it on the bucket list.
Well, I have been very quite here, as I have spent most of my time looking at everyone elses grows this year.  I figure I better post a update to show that things are still going well here.
First off, I I did make a killer Granola Bar recipe that included Bhut Jolokia powder.  I took this to work as we had a lunch pot-luck.  I did not think many would take to this, but I got a request to bring in another batch.  Surprised me that some many liked spicy Granola bars.
Anyway back to the grow log.
The Lemon Drops have been providing me 2-5 pods a day, which have been shared with folks at work as a way to introduce them to something other than a Habanero.


My plants were getting lots of flowers, but dropping them in the heat we had, but after the rains we got, and then back to normal summer temps, the plants are growing pretty well right now and putting out some pods.
Here is a Yellow Bhut that is growing form some of Judy's seeds

And here is a 7 Pot Chaguanas  That I grew from some seeds that I grew out last year that produced a purple stem plant.  2 out of 6 did this last year. I kept the seeds and you can see they are doing the same this year.  The pods will evetually ripen to a red/burgandy color.

Here are a few Reapers finally.  Sorry about the picture, was kind of rushing, but they do look mean.  There seeds are from some I grew last year that grew out correctly.  I also have a few very productive ones that grew funky reaper shapes.

And finally I got a few pods on my True Cumari that I got from Judy.  These plans have been flowering like mad for months and I have been hand polinating them, but they are just now getting a few pods.  Hard to see but there is a few in this picture, I marked the largest one.

And the one I am the most excited to show is my Giant Mex Rocoto.  I have 3 that have been getting ripe, and last night I could not comtain myself, so I harvested one.   I am real glad I planted these and am looking forward to many more.  Nice juicy, sweet and a mellow burn.  I can see this in a tropical salsa!

After I picked it!

And here it is after I cut it in half

I will work on getting better pictures, as I know I have plenty of other pods out there, I just need to get down close and get some better shots.
Thanks for the update Bill. Pods are looking great. Congrats on the Cumari. Those Reapers do look mean. Haven't ate one personally. Will try one soon. The Rocoto looks really tasty.

Thanks for the pics.
The giant mexican rocoto looks incredible, along with all your other growing.
I'm glad I got to see someone else grow these though. I have these on my list to grow for next year's plants and was taken back by the black seeds. They look delicious and hearty as well. Do they have a fruity flavor or would it pair well with them in a tropical salsa?