So it's been awhile since I have been able to really do anything on here, school has been a beast this semester with it being my graduating semester. So, I figured I would get back into the swing of things with a nice, embarassing video. Some of you may remember my first brain strain video, I lasted all of 2.5 minutes before throwing in the towel and going for the milk. This time was just as painful and awful as the first time but I wanted to see if I could make it all the way through the burn without any help. I don't talk much in the video, kinda felt like I couldn't, so I will try to explain everything here. From what I hurt really bad. The flavor is still good, just like any 7 pot that I have had, very fruity/floral taste that consumes the whole pallet and is very thick. The flavor is not overpowering, but is very apparent the whole way through the experience, and even hours later when you happen to burp and the flavor returns. Very thick walled pepper that requires more chewing than something out of the bhut line peppers, fatali, etc. As explained in the video I did cut out the top portion(under the stem) of the pepper to get some seeds to dry out, but that pepper was top to bottom and wall to wall placenta so I didn't miss out on any pain. The endorphin rush set in within a couple of minutes and my whole face went numb and the lips pursed up quite nicely(which looks pretty funny actually). About 5 minutes in my eyes were watering so much I couldn't really see very good and my nose was running like a faucet. I was sweating a good deal and it was damn near impossible to talk. This pepper has my vote as the hottest pepper out there by far, and this one did come from cappy's seed stock and was grown by kcso53(mike) who was nice enough to send me one so I could do this rematch for all of ya'll. Hope you enjoy the excruciating pain and torture I voluntarily put myself through.