• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

BrooklynXpat's First Grow Season - 2013 - Pod harvest 8/16

Hey THPers!

Just wanted to get my 2013 Grow Season off to a good start. I have begun doing some things and will try to backlog as much of what I did in the log here.

I built 3 4x6 Cedar Raised beds and have a handful of planters that I plan on using to get some more starts for the 2013 season. To fill my Raised beds I bought the following plants from CCN (Cross Country Nurseries in NJ) and have been babying them inside my house near a sliding door with good ambient light since its been real cold for the past 2 weeks.

7 Pot
Datil Sweet
Chocolate Hab
Jalapeno Jumbo
Marconi Golden
Thai Yellow

Non Peppers
Black Cherry Tomato
Cherokee Purple Tomato
San Marzano Redorta Tomato
Sunsugar Tomato
Black Beauty Eggplant
Cloud Nine

I began hardening them off this week and I think they are almost ready to get outside - monday is only day they say that will drop below 50 @night.

Getting delivery of my 3cu yards of 50/50 mix of organic compost and topsoil

After one of my raised beds was complete

After un-boxing the plants from CCN (ill start taking close-ups)

Repotting into 6" planters

I'm open to suggestions as far as spacing is concerned since i want to maximize my space as much as possible without hindering growth. As you can how my setup is currently for my beds. Dont mind all the dead grass - after Sandy - most things haven't come back yet or are completely dead :(

Thanks and hope to keep everyone updated with more info/pics as time goes on.
It's great stuff man. Compost tea really hits the spot and you can see the plants turn around in a matter of days! Keep it up man.
MGOLD86 said:
It's great stuff man. Compost tea really hits the spot and you can see the plants turn around in a matter of days! Keep it up man.
Here is an update - been traveling and working on the house so much i haven't had a chance to take photos or even view the boards in a while. Pepper plants are starting to get bushy and getting tomatoes already. This heatwave has been fantastic for the plants.

Limo hab



Choc Hab - bottom right

Doing compost tea later today and cleaning up backyard this weekend - its a mess!
Got some jalepeno's growing on my little green potted ones - hopefully have them ripen up shortly!
I just found this glog.  I think you started it about the time I was preparing for some work-related travel.  Nice looking grow, Matt.  Are any of those pods showing color, yet?
Sawyer said:
I just found this glog.  I think you started it about the time I was preparing for some work-related travel.  Nice looking grow, Matt.  Are any of those pods showing color, yet?
Thanks Sawyer - i actually just got back from work travel and snapped some photos this morning. I used my point and shoot since i haven't used my SLR since my move last year and haven't had a change to search for my charger.
Without further ado - here are some pics of the grow thus far.
My biggest pods but not so big plant, i was torn from triming the buds off or letting grow since its not as big as i would have liked it to be but with a short season - i let them pod up.
Chocolate Habanero:



Fatali - Getting some weird leaf curl for new growth - any ideas???




Jumbo Jalapeno: Getting Ripped :-P

Limo Hab Flowering :)

Got some more pics of jalapeno's and my first non harvest (tomato's & beans) that i can post up a bit later when i get some help from you all :)
Everything looking nice and pod'd up! My body hates this weather we have had for weeks but the plants love it!

Thanks Joyner. Yea, this weather is killing me - weather was supposed to break from storm yesterday and it barely rained. Ahhhhh

I should have some more pics I'll get on later or in morning when I get to the computer of my non stuff and some jalapeño/ Thai pepper results.

Any recommendations on what crosses I should try, I can always get the male pollen from my friends plants as well (bhut, red Savina, trinidad scorpian). Thinking maybe:

choc hab x bhut
Fatalli x choc hab
fatalli x Trinidad scorpion
There are a handful of people on this board that make amazing crosses and are very good at it. I personally do not have the time to tinker with it and barley can keep up at all once all the pods start to ripen. I started from seed 100 different types this year, that is a tad too crazy! 
There are a handful of people on this board that make amazing crosses and are very good at it. I personally do not have the time to tinker with it and barley can keep up at all once all the pods start to ripen. I started from seed 100 different types this year, that is a tad too crazy! 

Thanks Joyner. If I had as much as you I probably wouldn't tinker with doing crosses either. Just want to try something out and hopefully have some seeds to share down the road with people here.

Lookin great man, got some nice pods poppin out...won't be long now!

Thanks Matt.
Regarding those curled leaves, have you tried uncurling them to see if there is something inside?  I did that with one on one of my plants and was startled to find some sort of bug inside.  I don't even remember what kind, but it fell out and hit the ground running.
Regarding those curled leaves, have you tried uncurling them to see if there is something inside?  I did that with one on one of my plants and was startled to find some sort of bug inside.  I don't even remember what kind, but it fell out and hit the ground running.

I read that it could possible be broad mites, but last time I looked I didn't see anything. I will check again tomorrow with a magnifying lenses since I think they can be very small. Thanks sawyer.
What I found was quite large, compared to a mite.  You definitely wouldn't need a lens to see it.
Sawyer said:
What I found was quite large, compared to a mite.  You definitely wouldn't need a lens to see it.
I looked under all the curled leaves for the fatalii and i only saw one little guy under a leaf and i'm assuming its a mite since that thing was SMALL! I am now deciding on if i should buy this
or this
Leaning towards 100% Neem Oil but undecided still.
I've been fortunate in not having to deal with mites (so far), so I can't comment on how best to fight them.
Currently have a brain freeze but somewhere I read neem mixed with aspirin and Epsom will work the best.
Credit goes to stc. I use a 1 quart (actually 40oz I think) sprayer to which I add 1 Tbs Epsom Salt, 1 Tsp Neem and 1/4 aspirin (uncoated 325 Mg) Mix well and go to town!
Scarecrw said:
Currently have a brain freeze but somewhere I read neem mixed with aspirin and Epsom will work the best.
Credit goes to stc. I use a 1 quart (actually 40oz I think) sprayer to which I add 1 Tbs Epsom Salt, 1 Tsp Neem and 1/4 aspirin (uncoated 325 Mg) Mix well and go to town!
Thanks Scarecrw- do you coat both underside-topside of leafs? Not sure how critical the aspirin is, being i have all OTC medicine under the sun EXCEPT uncoated aspirin and dont want to spend the money on another medicine that will not be used if its not uber critical.
I also was reading up on products w/sulfur since broad mites are tough little buggers or azamax, not sure the neem combo will be strong enough.
PrimeTime said:
Lookin good man!
Thanks Alan.
So i wound up picking up a bottle of azamax off amazon (gotta love prime membership) yesterday and just did a small foliar feeding for the few plants looking like they have gotten a case of the mites  :scared: . I like this stuff as its OMRI listed and still allows me to be organic with my grow and supposedly should help with the mites.
Not much change in the garden - have been fearing to go outside to check on it due to those darn asian tiger mosquitos that have plagued my neighborhood (right near the water). They are a lot worse than regular mosquitos and are outside ALL day long, so no enjoying my garden as long as they are around - not even with DEET 100! Pics of the suckers (literally)

And my Azamax -BAM!