• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

BrooklynXpat's First Grow Season - 2013 - Pod harvest 8/16

Hey THPers!

Just wanted to get my 2013 Grow Season off to a good start. I have begun doing some things and will try to backlog as much of what I did in the log here.

I built 3 4x6 Cedar Raised beds and have a handful of planters that I plan on using to get some more starts for the 2013 season. To fill my Raised beds I bought the following plants from CCN (Cross Country Nurseries in NJ) and have been babying them inside my house near a sliding door with good ambient light since its been real cold for the past 2 weeks.

7 Pot
Datil Sweet
Chocolate Hab
Jalapeno Jumbo
Marconi Golden
Thai Yellow

Non Peppers
Black Cherry Tomato
Cherokee Purple Tomato
San Marzano Redorta Tomato
Sunsugar Tomato
Black Beauty Eggplant
Cloud Nine

I began hardening them off this week and I think they are almost ready to get outside - monday is only day they say that will drop below 50 @night.

Getting delivery of my 3cu yards of 50/50 mix of organic compost and topsoil

After one of my raised beds was complete

After un-boxing the plants from CCN (ill start taking close-ups)

Repotting into 6" planters

I'm open to suggestions as far as spacing is concerned since i want to maximize my space as much as possible without hindering growth. As you can how my setup is currently for my beds. Dont mind all the dead grass - after Sandy - most things haven't come back yet or are completely dead :(

Thanks and hope to keep everyone updated with more info/pics as time goes on.
My first visit here, nice grow you got going on!
I was raised on the "Island".
My experience with mites this year was my first. They seem to attack newer growth and you can't see them without a 30x mag glass. They leave a rust colored appearance on the leaf edges. I've attacked them two ways, both worked great.
Wettable sulfur
Rosemary-oil spray (homemade).
What I saw on your plants didn't look like mine, here's a URL http://thehotpepper.com/topic/37870-devvs-dirt-grow/page-19
If you go back in the glog some really rusty looking leaves are there...
My first visit here, nice grow you got going on!
I was raised on the "Island".
My experience with mites this year was my first. They seem to attack newer growth and you can't see them without a 30x mag glass. They leave a rust colored appearance on the leaf edges. I've attacked them two ways, both worked great.
Wettable sulfur
Rosemary-oil spray (homemade).
What I saw on your plants didn't look like mine, here's a URL http://thehotpepper.com/topic/37870-devvs-dirt-grow/page-19
If you go back in the glog some really rusty looking leaves are there...

Thanks devv for stopping by, where on the island did you grow up? I'm still getting used to living out in the suburbs, city boy born and raised :) and I miss my 24/7 spots :).

What do you think it could be if its not broad mites. Luckily azamax is natural and I used a very little amount and it drizzled not too long after.

Plan on giving my plants a nice treatment of aact tomorrow (first time with my own compost). Haven't done a feeding in 2 weeks and its been hot out so it'll be a nice treat.
I was born in North Babylon, in '66 we moved to Smithtown. Left NY for Tejas in '78.
I went from the burbs to the boondocks, after a few years you'll adjust and appreciate it. Privacy has it's rewards:)
Yeah it was hot on the 4th, we were there to visit. So this is continuing? The humidity just kills me...I can tolerate 100 here better than 85 on the Island.
Not sure what's bothering your peppers, we have such different climates and pests. I just wanted you to see what mites did to my plants, so you had a reference. Sawyer was correct in saying you should open up a leaf and have a look, even remove it and open it in the house over a plate. Have a camera ready. One other thing, if I'm not mistaken, it could be too much rain. One thing you're in the right place for help in ID-ing the problem. Everyone here is willing to lend a hand.
Good luck!
I was born in North Babylon, in '66 we moved to Smithtown. Left NY for Tejas in '78.
I went from the burbs to the boondocks, after a few years you'll adjust and appreciate it. Privacy has it's rewards:)
Yeah it was hot on the 4th, we were there to visit. So this is continuing? The humidity just kills me...I can tolerate 100 here better than 85 on the Island.
Not sure what's bothering your peppers, we have such different climates and pests. I just wanted you to see what mites did to my plants, so you had a reference. Sawyer was correct in saying you should open up a leaf and have a look, even remove it and open it in the house over a plate. Have a camera ready. One other thing, if I'm not mistaken, it could be too much rain. One thing you're in the right place for help in ID-ing the problem. Everyone here is willing to lend a hand.
Good luck!

Scott - Its been very hot the past few weeks with little rain and 90% humidity! I agree, I would rather have 100+ dry weather rather than 90+ and the humidity. I think the heat is causing the bugs, they do look similar to yours, haven't gotten a good photo. I did look in the leaves and I saw very very very small dots which looked like what I saw online.

I just hope this doesn't kill my plants, especially my first season when my plants are already very tiny.
PrimeTime said:
Your Fatalii and hot choco pods are about twice the size of mine. Nice work!
Thanks Alan, i'm sure yours will catch up in no time.
I should have some updated pics tomorrow or saturday depending how many mosquitos are out tomorrow due to todays downpour we got! Getting alot of small pods forming on most of my plants now, hoping this will be my month :)
Looks like the pests might be mites. Best of luck!
Thanks. I thought mites too, sprayed with azamax last week and looks a bit better, new growth looks healthier and got a lot of flowers and pots setting. So not out yet :)

PrimeTime said:
I saw some color on one of my chinense today, dont remember which. I try to ignore them a bit...just a quick peek...
Wow, lucky you :) mine haven't turned yet.

Devv said:
Plants look really good! Have you figured out what's bothering the affected plants yet?
Thanks, I think its mites. But looking at Patrick's thread- he had similar damage and he thinks his issue is herbicide which I don't think is my issue. Will spray azamax tomorrow and hope for the best. Thanks for stopping by :D
Some updates
Jumbo Jalapeno

Thai Yellow

My biggest Limo Hab - funky shape to it

My Chocolate Hab - one is starting to turn a bit

Biggest 7 Pot

My Sweet Datil starting to get some good poddage

Most of the plants are doing very well now - other than my jalapeno, thai and chocolate hab - i don't expect to get any big harvests till maybe end of the month.
MGOLD86 said:
Nice!  Looking good.  The harvests will come, waiting just sucks!
Thanks Matt - waiting does suck.
Funny thing just happened, i just went outside to throw some stuff in the temporary compost bucket and saw a little present. Since my compost tumbler needs to be emptied (its fully cured), I've been throwing stuff in a 5 gallon covered bucket for about a week now, i haven't mixed anything in there but tossed stuff on top. I opened it up today first to see some steam coming out and i looked a little closer and saw this growing...its a long bean that i threw out since the beans didn't seem viable (immature) - i guess i was wrong! Maybe it was jack's magic beans  :eek:
Grows looking good, glad to see pods out there!

Thanks, got some ripening and will take photos tomorrow as I was under the weather today and it was nasty out.
what makes the leaves curl upward like that my banana peppers were doing the same thing

and all the buds turned brown before forming
seems to be fine now

Can be multiple factors of not enough light and watering, I haven't paid too much time thinking about it as I'm watering with compost tea and its podding up nicely. Sounds like we both are on same track with it getting back to normal.

Got a present in the mail from Matt and I can't wait to jump into it tomorrow with a friend. The tsmb yellow looks absolutely crazy. Thanks Matt!!!!

Small update - was away this weekend for my 1 year anniversary, went back to our college campus where we met and reminisced on how things have changed in the 6 years since we graduated.
Small Harvest from last week  (have a ton of those chinese long beans) - should be able to pick some more jalapeno's this week and maybe some of my chocolate habs.


Chocolate Habs Ripening

And this was from friday when i busted open the pods Matt shared with me - i wound up trying a handful of them and this is what got me the most. The TSMB Yellow!

Off to Detroit tomorrow for a long day of work travel - then i should be back with some more updates :-D