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Brown Seeds

I posted this in the Fermenting 101 thread but I thought it might get more attention here. (sorry for the double post, feel free to delete the other)
I made my first batch of ferments yesterday and everything looks good.... except for some brown seeds that were in the serrano's that my neighbor gave to me.  When I picked up the bag from him they were cold and the bag was sweating.  They had either been frozen or refrigerated.
My question is, will this cause a problem with the ferment?  If someone can tell me how to attach a photo, I will gladly do so.
Ok, things seem to be progressing well in lieu of the brown seeds.  Lots of bubbling and no mold that I can see.  The brine is cloudy and does have a darker tint to it, could this be due to the brown seeds?  
Still curious about the brown seeds.

Ok, I figured out how to post a pic.... although I'm not sure why it's side ways?  Anyway this is a photo from the first day, hopefully you can see the brown seeds that I'm talking about.
Here's a pic of the brine after three days.  Notice the brown tint?  There are plenty of bubbles but I'm concerned about the color of the brine.

And here is a close up of the brown seeds.  This photo is from day one.
Ok, the ferment is still bubbling pretty good and I'm noticing a smell from the air lock.  There is a layer of bubbles on the top but no mold that I can see. The smell is a tart garlic (there is garlic in the ferment) smell that's not unpleasant at all.
Again, my only concerns are the brown seeds and the dark tint to the brine.
Should I toss it or keep it?
I would keep it. Usually peppers that have brown seeds are close to ripening and are perfectly safe to eat. Ripe peppers usually have tan or brown seeds. As for the color of the brine.... I don't really know. Good luck with your ferment.