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Brown Sports

I know there are about a million 'what's this?' threads, but I couldn't find pictures that really matched what I've got cookin' here.

I'm under flourescents, with 'grow' lights and my naga is showing some brown spots that seem to be 'eating through' a few of the leaves. I don't mist, and I'm not overwatering, so I'm wondering what's up.

I'm using a mix called Roots Organic for my soil.

Plants are obviously indoors right now, and it's the only plant showing signs of any problem.

My camera phone sucks hard, so I don't know if you'll be able to tell on this or not.

Any help is appreciated. I'd hate to pluck leaves, but if it saves the plant, I'm ready.
My guess is over saturated and under aerated soil at the bottom of the pot, causing an anaerobic disease ridden root zone. Repot with fresh soil.
My guess is over saturated and under aerated soil at the bottom of the pot, causing an anaerobic disease ridden root zone. Repot with fresh soil.

Hmm. I can see the bottom, since it's in a clear plastic cup, and I don't *see* any pockets, which doesn't mean they aren't there. It's definitely not oversaturated.

Here's a horrible pic. You can kind of see what's happening. As of yesterday, the spots hadn't 'eaten through', but they were close.

roots dont like light. ditch the clear plastic cups.

Would that specifically cause the brown spots? If so, I may have a lot of transplanting to do.

I figured it would help me tell when to pot up, and it has done that. But if it's at the detriment of the plant, obviously, I'll cease.
I don't know if it's the roots causing the spots, but give them a misting with epsom salts and see how that goes. It really only takes about 3-4 days for the epsom to darken up the plants. You can also try giving them a misting of asprin and water. Make sure to get plain asprin (usually comes in 325mg tablets) and not the coated kind. It sounds weird, but asprin really seems to work on ailing plants.

Do put the clear cups in colored or opaque cups as Beagle suggested. Also make sure they have holes in the bottom for drainage.
Thanks, Blister! They do have drain holes, but I'll get 'em covered. I'll try the epsom/aspirin route, too. I have a couple of other yellowed plants as well. Nothing severe. But those holes made me nervous. We had to close down at work today, so I'll see what a difference of 36 hours looks like...
I think that plant looks pretty good...brown spots can be caused by many things...bug bites, fungus, virus, etc...I truly don't believe it is the roots getting light that is causing your problem...but then again, I don't really see a problem...my monitor may not let me see the detail you are talking about...

Watch the plant to see if it is spreading...if it is spreading, then you have either a fungal, bacterial, or viral issue...if you have had no aphid/thrip/spidermite issues, you can probably rule viral out...so that leaves you with fungal or viral...from what I have seen, fungal spots have a "halo" around them...if no halo, that leaves bacterial...if it is bacterial, use some copper soap...bonide makes a good one...
I think that plant looks pretty good...brown spots can be caused by many things...bug bites, fungus, virus, etc...I truly don't believe it is the roots getting light that is causing your problem...but then again, I don't really see a problem...my monitor may not let me see the detail you are talking about...

Watch the plant to see if it is spreading...if it is spreading, then you have either a fungal, bacterial, or viral issue...if you have had no aphid/thrip/spidermite issues, you can probably rule viral out...so that leaves you with fungal or viral...from what I have seen, fungal spots have a "halo" around them...if no halo, that leaves bacterial...if it is bacterial, use some copper soap...bonide makes a good one...

I don't *think* that it's spreading. When I went back in, it appeared to be stabilized. Have had another two days away from them now, so I'll see any progress/digress tomorrow.

I have it separated from my other grows, just in case.

I've got two surviving Naga seedlings, so I'm trying to baby this one to make sure it makes it outdoors.

Thanks for the helpful input, AJ, as always.

I'm pumped about this season. Most of my lil' seedlings look better than they have in years past.

Learning more each year...