Up over 100+ last 5 days Sun's been pummeling them. No real rain or clouds for weeks just quick thunder storms and gone!!Roguejim said:What are your temps now?
Well if yer in my area come on buy for some Q !! Doors always open friends always welcome!!meinchoh said:Heard that Myrtle Beach had temps in the triple digits, which means you, too...We'll be there in a month..
Thanks brother, sorry to here about your plants hopefully some good Sun stays with for a while help to set you back on course. Lost some heirloom tomatoes to rain and local mosquito spraying had a few test plants right next to the street. Burned all the leaves.jcw10tc said:Looks like you have the exact opposite problem that I have. Temps are ok, mid 80s but today is first real day of sun in about a week. Rained way too much. Hopefully they won't drown, but biggest concern now is diseases. I have 2 tomato plants already showing sever signs of blight or virus or something not good thats definitely spreading. Had one pepper that looked the same and I pretty much pulled everthing off it leaving a few good leaves and stumps. See if it snaps out of it otherwise will pull it before it gets too big. Everything looks good though. Good luck with them, keep us updated.
It's a constant battle my friend!!robbyjoe01 said:I think were gonna get our first 100 degree today. The weather people are saying 99 just to be nice I think...looks like we're going from to much rain to too much sun..
Thanks SL3 I'm writing that down now my friend. Don't have Gemplers here will try local garden center! Thanks for the tip!!SL3 said:103 here today. Just finished putting up another section of shade cloth myself. That burlap is ok temporarily, but will break down in the sun fairly quickly. Get some 60 percent cloth from Gemplers. Good stuff and cheap. In the meanwhile that burlap will do the trick.
Wow sorry to hear that my friendErolDude said:and here I am, drowning in the eternal rain
Hey brother how goes the battle? Dam that's the temp we've been dealing with!!!!! Any plans or just letting them solo. Those are some brutal temps Jim.Roguejim said:Grants Pass, Oregon-91F today, moving to 105F next Friday and beyond. No shade cloth.
Sounds like you're having a great grow hope your season continues on a positive note!!Alynne said:This has been the hottest June in DC I've seen in a long time. Mid 90's every day with no relief in site. Peppers are a month ahead of where they've been this time the last few years.
Last Summer, I let them ride without shade cloth, and it was a brutal Summer. They can just suck it up again. One thing about this heat, pods ripen everyday. Just got home from work...drinking beer #2...will look at manual tomorrow. I checked out a Weber Grill thermometer at Home Depot like you said. I also saw a couple of Mavericks, one was wireless. The probes all seem to be intended for meat, according to the instructions. Can these same units be used for grate temp, or is there something different about grate thermometers?oldsalty said:Thanks brother, sorry to here about your plants hopefully some good Sun stays with for a while help to set you back on course. Lost some heirloom tomatoes to rain and local mosquito spraying had a few test plants right next to the street. Burned all the leaves.
Definitely will keep you updated and thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's a constant battle my friend!!
the weather here's been the same first non stop rain then this crazy Sun and Heat!!!! Thanks SL3 I'm writing that down now my friend. Don't have Gemplers here will try local garden center! Thanks for the tip!!
Wow sorry to hear that my friendI will send the sun your way !!!!!! Hey brother how goes the battle? Dam that's the temp we've been dealing with!!!!! Any plans or just letting them solo. Those are some brutal temps Jim.
Did you find the info on the fan speed?
Sounds like you're having a great grow hope your season continues on a positive note!!
Are you covering them or just letting them ride?