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Chicargo for bucks night ?

  • Chicargo

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • Somewhere else close to Milwaukie

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Gday guys,
Need some advice and guidance.... As I am getting married in Wisconsin USA in August ( Aussie and a cheesehead :shocked:)

My brother, and clan and I have never been to Chicargo, and I need advice on where to go and what to see for a BUCKS NIGHT !

Few pubs to start, dinner venue and AFTER HOURS activities. ie: clubs, XXX etc ;)!:hell: Adult links PM only

WOULD LOVE ANYBODY HERE TO ATTEND ! As would love a bit of chilli action on the night too !
Chicargo on the 1st and 2nd of AUGUST - for my BUCKS NIGHT!

As I dont have all my mates there (to expensive for them to fly over and stay for 2 weeks) I need some more people other than family.

Any help and SUGGESTIONS would be great !!!!

Buck's night, I guess, is bachelor party? Isn't the best man supposed to do that?
thehotpepper.com said:
Buck's night, I guess, is bachelor party? Isn't the best man supposed to do that?

YEP ! But thats my brother and he lives in
CANBERRA - AUSTRALIA, lol has NO clue ! We are just a bunch of aussies that have never really been out of the country.

And we would preffer a plan of some sort or make sure we are in the right areas !

Thanx Guys -
p.s. I will email the suggestions to my brother ;)
Ian, I've got a buddy who grew up in Chicago who still has family in the area. Maybe I can find out the names of a couple of places you could visit.

One question; just how raunchy do you want to get? R rated, X rated, or "Oh my God if my wife ever found out she'd kill me" rated?:)
The latter ! Since it is my last Hoorah! Ow my god !!

I was a bit of a wild child. And kids on there way so, yep raunchy, nutty,crazy, stupid.... are some words I wish to describe my night ! And to wake up in strange place handcuffed to a light pole is likely !
I voted for Chicago (I'm the only one who voted actually). It's a cool place from what I remember of my visit (shot Springer there). Down town is nice-ish.
Thaks Imaguitargod.

We just need an idea of where, as down town is like saying down town here in Sydney..... too big to make right decisions for 1 night out with out local input. And would miss the BEST underground type clubs.

Well, I know that they have a Dick's Last Resauart which is fun and a House of Blues...but underground, nope...sorry. If it was Cleveland or La, I could point you in the right direction.
I would vote but never heard of Chicargo.
not a pub but one of the best eateries I have ever been in...

Heaven on Seven...and if you bring a unopened bottle of hot sauce he does not have, he will comp you a full meal...try the "hotter than a mutha" (red savina popper)

AJ, - JUST what Im looking for !

That would be a great start and I AM GOING TO LOCK THAT IN for dinner !

PERFECT - !!!!!!!

SO now I need clubs, pubs, and ;) extra activities close to Michigan Ave. -
Will be sure to get photos !
I hope the hot sauce thing works ! I will be sure to take along a couple of Aussie made sauces ! And the Savina Poppers .....Yum, we dont have poppers here in Australia, unless we make them ourselves !
Everyone eats free.....mmm sounds too good !
i usually don't go downtown - but i work with ppl that might - i know of strip clubs by my work and by where i live, but not downtown - i'll ask ppl at work and see what they say.

i live in NW indiana - only about 30 minutes from chicago ...

i'll help as much as i can...

just thinking here...I don't do the bar scene much any more unless I am playing a gig...but my step son may know some places...he lives in the south burb of Oak Lawn...
another good place to eat is called : Kuma's Corner - they are known for their burgers - most are name after heavy metal bands, i think they also have heavy metal playing in the background. haven't been myself but hear it's good. it's located at 2900 W. Belmont Ave.

i'm working on clubs / strip clubs gotta see what ppl here at work say.

Please PM the XXX clubs to him. Really don't need those links here.