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pests Bug Attack???

Does anyone have any ideas as to what is causing this and the solution?
I suspect it is some kind of insect!

leaf looks like the dreaded lady bug of the 28 spotted kind. Not sure if they can do that to the stems. As for getting rid of them I think white oil/garlic spray maybe or ust pick em off and freeze em in a baggie when you find them.
Agree with the slug diagnosis on the stem damage. I had fantastic results with an iron phosphate bait. One brand name is Sluggo. Totally safe and effective.
For slugs/snail I usually use eggshells and/or diatomaceous earth on the top of my soil, or make beer traps
thanks for your help guys,
I looked around the area a found a large amount of snails and slugs hiding at the edge of the house, I killed all I could see and laid some bait down.... hopefully this fixes the problem