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pests bug id

Was checking out some of the flowers out front and saw this guy....


Any ideas?
And what about these guys?

First one looks like a grasshopper of some sort. Second kind of looks like the harlequin bugs we'd get on hibiscus plants back home.
No damage but if its beneficial I'd look into ways to keep it around. The second picture, not sure if they're feeding on the plant or if they found something else, its a weed I haven't gotten around to pulling up because I found a family of garden spiders setting up residence in the vicinity....
Nature does it's thing my friend and if there is slight damage to leaves on my plant yet the fruit is still fine I don't sweat it.
If you can grow a perfect plant with no imperfections you are lucky indeed! ;)
Proud Marine Dad said:
Nature does it's thing my friend and if there is slight damage to leaves on my plant yet the fruit is still fine I don't sweat it.
If you can grow a perfect plant with no imperfections you are lucky indeed! ;)
....or spraying too much chemicals :whistle:
The only things I get rid of are slugs, snails, horn worms and stink bugs.... Everything else harmful, like aphids, I brush off.... Never ending battle, but it keeps me outside more and checking on them....

New to the area so I'm not familiar with the bugs here....
I agree with no harm no problems...for me it's spider mites. Since I'm container gardening I just put some Vaseline around the edge and I'm good to go
     I think the second one is a juvenile stink bug. They suck. Literally. 
     If my guess on the first one is correct, and it's a mantis, maybe it will eat the stinkbugs when it gets bigger.
So I have at least 4 of the little guys from the flower picture above.... Only on the flowers.... All the same size and coloring.... Always just hanging out.... Got some spiders hanging out on the flowers and neither are giving the other any attention....