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Buncha MALARKY 2017

Welcome to my first Glog everyone. This is my second grow. Thanks to the generosity of the THP community I am in possession of more varieties of seeds than I'll ever be able to grow. I have limited yard space and I try to keep things cheap to make this hobby less annoying to my wife.

So I'm located outside of Madison, WI. Zone 5a/4b
My goal is grow a wider variety of heat this year.

First 4 varieties Soaking:
-Aji LemonDrop (contest)
-Aji Amarillo
-Peruvian Red Rocotto
-Aji Oro


It's just the beginning. I need to grab some more of these cups for soaking.
Thanks for looking in. At a MINIMUM, I'll update once a week.
Malarky said:
Side note...do you need to pressure can a cooked salsa with <4pH? or is BWB OK?
Disclaimer: I'm no certified process authority, food preservation expert, canning expert, etc.

I will say though, that everything I've ever read about canning salsa says that salsa is one of the riskiest (pepper related) low acid foods that you can tinker with from a safety standpoint. All of the "official" canning sites (Ball, NCHFP, etc.) strongly suggest that you use 'approved' recipes, especially with salsas. Acidic fruit jellies/jams tend to have a lot more wiggle room with adjusting/swapping ingredients.

<4pH sounds like a great start, but density can also be an issue. There's a lot more to it, that I'm not really informed enough about to really dole out solid advice, but I'd say if you're going to go for it, definitely pressure can it. Just know that that's an "at your own risk" type of thing

Maybe start a thread in Hot Sauce Making (?). I'm sure salsalady or SmokenFire or somebody might be able to give their input too
Some more pickings.
Do Peach Bhuts come out kinda 2toned for anybody else?
I've got some that are like half peachy-orange and really pale Peach.
I didn't know if this was a ripeness thing?


I guess it doesn't really show up in the pictures. It's more noticeable in person.
Glad to see all the color hitting the table!
I'm no expert, but I've been canning with the wife for years,  since 1982. Tomatoes, just the hot water bath. Hot sauces, when the ph is below 4, which I always achieve before bottling, has never been an issue using the standard hot water bath. I put them in the hot sauce bottles when I do puree's. Correct ph is the key. Jams and jellys go in the pressure cooker. I do use a Hanna ph meter to test the ph. I always run it through the 7.0 and 4.0 test solutions prior to make sure it's on the money.
But for peace of mind do the reading Mike suggested ;)
Look at this Goat!

sadly its the only perfect shape on the plant and its a little small compared to the other pods. 
this is a +1 year old from last season...just goes to show you how much the environment has an effect on pod shape.
I had many more good shapes last year.
i'm also undecided about the cost/benefit of overwintering and yield.
the weather has played a factor for sure this year. 
I may side by side a new seedling and an OW for next year to see the difference in yield and vigor.
still excited for this pod though, i should see if anybody on ebay wants to buy steal my photo
edit: i'll get a less fuzzy pic tonight
Awesome pheno. I'd go for an overwinter Malarky, as long as you have the room. Mine always make it through the winter near a window with occasional watering. Not too much effort and a lot of gain! 
Plus you're killin it with those peach bhuts dude! 
Malarky said:
biggest picking yet this year
l've been pulling the amarillos when the tip starts to get a little wrinkly/drying out.
so there's Amarillos, Limos, Choc Habs, Goats, PeachBhuts, Savinas, and Yellow7's

Here is that nice Goat again. There are stingers on a couple more standard pods too.

and a weirdo pod too


Yup... He's definitely glad to see you Matt. I wouldn't want to turn my back on him though..

I think the two-toned effect you mentioned in the peach pods is caused by sun exposure. I see it in my yellow pods too.

Nice work this season. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks Mike for Annie's Salsa recipe. My family loves it! I canned 18 pints this weekend.
heres a few...



i made 2 jars Hot for me, the rest completely mild for the fam. 
only problem is that I have no idea how to dose salsa.
I minced up a smallish peach bhut and added about 3/4 of it to a pint jar and the other 1/4 into the half pint.
buckle up i guess? :flamethrower:

I love this yellow7 pheno. too bad its the only one on the plant.
long pepper #1 and 3 are my Aji Pacay (not as long as Dale's ;) ) but are more reddish darker orange color.
peppers #2 and 4 are my Aji Amarillos, which seem much beefier and thicker walled. lighter orange color.
not sure if my photo describes the color difference very well.
still picking in WI!
next couple weeks feature highs in the upper 50's and low 60's, lows in the 40-50 range
big pick before it was suppose to get cold last night(6am this morning).
i think i had 37F. it was too dark to see the plants this morning but i think they'll be fine. We'll see when i get home tonight.
i need some sun and a bit of warm and i hope it'll set off another round of ripening before the next cold wave comes through.
You can see the difference between the orange Amarillos and the red Pacay