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Busy Evening

I've been busier than an AJ on speed (sorry, guy, but everyone knows how much energy you have!).

Transplanted two toms - Red Delicious I think. One went into a hydro container, another one in dirt. The dirt one is awash with light - two 23 watt, 2700K CFL lights over the top and two 226 Red and Blue LEDs on the side. 6,000 lumens at the canopy, 1,500 on each side. Seventy-two watts total - less than $4 per month. If things work out, I'll have some fruit for them in late Novemeber or early December. Perfect!

Sowed tobasco, Scotch Bonnet and Chinese 5-Color in three different trays. One goes under the high intensity LED light, another under the 13 watt LED and the third under CFL lights. Got to see how each one does.

Besides the tom, moved a Trinidad Scorpion from a seedling tray cell to the hydro system.

Pix tomorrow - the missus has the camera just in case there is photo op at a council meeting she is covering.

Sounds like a busy night indeed. All these abbreviations and numbers blurred my vision... let's see some pics now!
Here's the tomato in the lights:


Its sibling in the hydro:


Both of those grew up under the LED light.

And the Scorpion:


Looking good Wiz. What are the projected differences in growing for the two? Are you feeding the dirt one the same kind of nutes?

I haven't had any luck growing toms in containers. I transplanted one back in the middle of winter and it got huge, even blooked (once) and that was it. I think it was due to lack of enough lighting. I tried two in my hydro unit but the light was too far away and they got way too leggy. Now that I am getting use to the LED - it sits about eight-twelve inches from the plant canopy, I hoping it works. Plus, the one in the dirt has a lot more light than the one early this year.

I will feed them the same nuits but it is going to be hard to tell if they are getting the same amount. I've learned not to overwater toms in containers.

wordwiz, they won't be getting the same amount of nutes if they are in dirt vs a dwc. the roots are always going to be in the water
but that's kinda the point of hydro
Nice stuff!

Funny, that scorp looks just like my choc. hab plant at the moment, bit more pointed leaves though. :)
Looking good Mike...I have never tried to grow in anything except soil/dirt.
talas said:
What L.E.D.S You Using ?:)

They are 10mm, 112 bulb panels powered with 45 watts for the hydro. I also have three 225 3mm bulb panels that use 13 watts each. My hope is to get at least three more of the high powered panels before winter gets here.

Can't wait to see the pictures.

Okay, here's the tallest tom. I had one that was about a foot taller but it snapped the 1x1" stake. I used three more to keep it up but though it is much bushier at the top, the plant didn't grow upward.


Here's my lettuce bed which has a few heads growing. Sowed more Wednesday.


My Thai Basil that has a way to go before it is ready to harvest:


From my 'indoor' garden, here's a limon - not very tall but quite bushy.


and its roots:


And here is the reward all good plants get to pay me back for taking care of them:


MMmmmm, Thai basil..ain't that the one that gets ya kinda 'high' feeling?

I know this Cambodian place where they throw tons of it on their beef & noodle bowls..it's awesome with the sambal and chile oil...(drooolz)