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Butch T And The Kid

So after several batches of BT sauces I decided to eat a pod, With a couple of hot dogs, Gibbles B-B-Q chips, chilled red beets and a 2 bottles of lager I started slicing off pieces BT. First piece was tasty I thought not much worse than my regular Scorpions, then 10 -20 seconds later it nailed me. The heat seemed more intense but, it was a small piece so I slice off a larger one, now the cleft of my pallet had an intense burn, Gibbles chips and lager for a chaser. One thing I noticed on the second piece was very fruity flavor sweet in a way, then the kick! My kids friend was watching, curious as to how hot it really was, I cut the tail section off gave it to him with a warning "ITS HOT!" He chewed it up, it was fun to watch his eyes light up, if I didn't know his dad for the last 20+ years, I would of never done that, his parents get it (I went to the fridge and poured a cup of milk for him). Now I must wonder if Dylan at 10 (almost 11) has reached a milestone in his life? I ate another piece and we cried together, I found it almost impossible to eat a warm hot dog, my son was done with two(he learned his lesson on Regular Scorpions), I was on my second bite. Dylan gave up trying to eat and just sat there sipping milk, he and my son went back to COD(Dylan finished his dinner after the burn subsided).

I must say the Butch Taylor strain is a true Flame Thrower and there is a noticeable difference in heat over my Regular Scorpions!
It's the same story here with my 14 year old. We eat and cry together and go back and eat some more. My we're a strange species!!
:dance: going to try this with my 3 and 6 year old daughters, the 3 year old seems to like jalapeno salsas but they butch t would probably have her hating me for ever so maybe just move her up to serranos and gradually increase :party: