[BUY] Salvia divinorum cuttings/plants

Wait, what? IGG grows it? I just talked to him yesterday! :shocked:
Well will appreciate any help you might throw my way. thanks.
He wanted to I dont know if he does. This was while back when I was looking and I had gone to a website that had a horrible track record and he had gave me other sites to try. You should ask him, since you are in contact, tell him I said hello as well.
He wanted to I dont know if he does. This was while back when I was looking and I had gone to a website that had a horrible track record and he had gave me other sites to try. You should ask him, since you are in contact, tell him I said hello as well.
Talked to him. said he always wanted to grow some, but it became illegal just before he ordered. so no IGG Salvia D growing... I mentioned to him about this thread and you said you two talked about it, he says Hi.

I don't think a store will help me. a searched the web and nothing. I need a friendly grower...
i'm thinkin' seeds would be your best option at this time, so, if you can find seeds from a legit country, then maybe someone can send you a birthday card with a salvia heart seed pattern wishing you the happiest of birthdays. as far as seeds being difficult to start, i was told hot peppers were difficult now i have 75+ plants(rocoto is still troublesum).

i did a quick search here and heard of some smoke shops still selling it dried, perhaps they have some stored seeds. i'll check around but don't sit by your computer waiting for a "ya!" response from me. i don't normally go into the smoke type shops, nor hydroponic shops. the city of vancouver would probably be a better place to find something like this, as they are known for their pot growing and pot quality -place full of hippies(it's on the other side of the mountains from me - a plane ride away).
I grew it a long, long time ago. Back when cuttings were being sold on ebay. S. divinorum very rarely flowers, and (reportedly) when it does, in the rarer event that seeds are produced, they are never viable. ALL known varieties are taken from cuttings. It still grows naturally in the countryside in Mexico. Good luck with your search.
i'm thinkin' seeds would be your best option at this time, so, if you can find seeds from a legit country, then maybe someone can send you a birthday card with a salvia heart seed pattern wishing you the happiest of birthdays. as far as seeds being difficult to start, i was told hot peppers were difficult now i have 75+ plants(rocoto is still troublesum).

i did a quick search here and heard of some smoke shops still selling it dried, perhaps they have some stored seeds. i'll check around but don't sit by your computer waiting for a "ya!" response from me. i don't normally go into the smoke type shops, nor hydroponic shops. the city of vancouver would probably be a better place to find something like this, as they are known for their pot growing and pot quality -place full of hippies(it's on the other side of the mountains from me - a plane ride away).
Thanks man. this is a plant that hardly gives any seeds and the ones it does won't germinate. real seeds are impossible to find. that's actually the first thing came to mind, but then I realized you can only breed it with a cutting/tissue culture. this makes things more difficult because the very few commercial plant suppliers that ship worldwide will not ship to Israel. that is why I approached the growers on THP. someone must be growing it, don't you think?

I grew it a long, long time ago. Back when cuttings were being sold on ebay. S. divinorum very rarely flowers, and (reportedly) when it does, in the rarer event that seeds are produced, they are never viable. ALL known varieties are taken from cuttings. It still grows naturally in the countryside in Mexico. Good luck with your search.
Thanks. I also looked on eBay (:shocked:), well I was desperate... and there wasn't any that didn't seem like they're trying to sell stoners with a common sage. :lol:

Im going to hippies place monday. Will have a chat omri ;)
Thanks Nova, you're a true friend!
I think the great and mighty hippy knows all about everything. :D
originally, i thought this group may be able to help, i found them a few years ago when the salvia issue was reported in a newpaper report and they warned in the forum that the seeds were rare and for the most part useless, thus they use to sell cuttings but i don't know if they do anymore. but they do have links to other hippy companies that are into the same business as them.


....who knew there is so many types of pot available? (locally the price of nutmeg has skyrocketed, apparently it's the new high for youths, perhaps it will be on the next hit list)
Hi Omri,

Richter's Herbs in Canada has live plants in stock and commence shipping April 15th.

Here is a link to their live plants selections and the one you're interested in is listed as Sage, Diviners

Richters live plants link

They have it listed at $15.00 CAD per plant.

Diviner's sage link

Richters also ships internationally, so maybe contact them and see if they can help you out.

Good luck!

originally, i thought this group may be able to help, i found them a few years ago when the salvia issue was reported in a newpaper report and they warned in the forum that the seeds were rare and for the most part useless, thus they use to sell cuttings but i don't know if they do anymore. but they do have links to other hippy companies that are into the same business as them.


....who knew there is so many types of pot available? (locally the price of nutmeg has skyrocketed, apparently it's the new high for youths, perhaps it will be on the next hit list)
Thanks, but they don't seem to sell or ship Salvia D.

Hi Omri,

Richter's Herbs in Canada has live plants in stock and commence shipping April 15th.

Here is a link to their live plants selections and the one you're interested in is listed as Sage, Diviners

Richters live plants link

They have it listed at $15.00 CAD per plant.

Diviner's sage link

Richters also ships internationally, so maybe contact them and see if they can help you out.

Good luck!

Been a loyal Richter's customer for years now. sadly they only ship live plants to Canada and US. thanks though.
Oh my... look at what came in the mail! :P


Hehe... still looking for other strains of it, if possible. there is a at least one more.
I'm so going to grow fields of it. :lol:

Nova, prepare to have an unlimited supply of leaves! the first sample will be in a couple of months from now. ;)

Hehe... still looking for other strains of it, if possible. there is a at least one more.
I'm so going to grow fields of it. :lol:

Nova, prepare to have an unlimited supply of leaves! the first sample will be in a couple of months from now. ;)

DUDE! :rofl:
Congrats on getting your plant Omri. :cool:

There are supposedly up to 10 different strains available, with some distinct varieties and alledgedly cuttings are circulating of two rare seed grown strains, 'Paradox' and 'Resilience'.

Salvia strain link
