buying hot chillis in brisbane, australia

hi, just wondering if anyone knows any shops in brisbane, australia that sell hot chillis (habaneros or hotter)
thanks in advance
I have a heap of chochalate hab seedlings for sale for a dollar each. there only small but once repotted off they will go.
If you get habs from Bunnings that are labelled something other than orange don't be disappointed when it still turns out to be the orange....

I got a few different habs from bunnings last year at different times and they all turned out to be orange habs...:( and I had mate get choc habs from a different Bunnings and they ended up being orange as well...
I saw Habanero seedlings at Big W the other day on the stand they put on the way in the door.

I say get seeds from a reputable seller and that way you know what your getting.

Its fun too :)

At Bunnings in Perth, we have Red Habs, Orange Habs, Choc Habs and the little white candy looking habs, already in stock. This is the first year I have seen anything besides red/orange habs being sold ... hmm ... choc habs at Bunnings for $2 each at 6" tall already ... hmmm ... :D

FYI, I have never had problems with anything being mislabled at bunnings, in regard to chillis, but I hear a lot of other people have, just been lucky I guess.
I've only ever seen Orange Habs in Bunnings so I've never been disappointed in the colour...:) I was disappointed with their Jalapenos and "Inferno" last year as they had little or no heat but the habs have always been good for me. I still have a heap in the freezer from last year.
thanks for replies guys, yeah am just looking for fresh chillis to buy to make some more sauces.
there is a fruit shop in west end that sometimes has them but none at the moment, and the fruit shop in the toowong tower sometimes does too, just not recently.
plants are starting to take off but our house has just completely run out of all forms of chilli, shit!! got birds eyes, red habs and some bhut jolokias on their way but not close enough. those bunnings plants sound pretty good for the price though, thanks heaps all
SeeYouJimmy said:
I've only ever seen Orange Habs in Bunnings so I've never been disappointed in the colour...:) I was disappointed with their Jalapenos and "Inferno" last year as they had little or no heat but the habs have always been good for me. I still have a heap in the freezer from last year.

I bought some Jalapenos from Bunnings and grew them over winter, I ate one last night with some Tacos and it was too hot for me to bite, and this is with using Scorp's Naga sauce in the taco mince. I know, weird, seeing we (the girl and I) eat Habs all the time, it could have been a one off, or it could have been a combination of the sauce and the Jalapenos ... either way I should go and eat another to see if they are actually that hot, or it was my mind playing tricks on me ... its probably the latter rather than some mutant superhot jalapeno.
Taj said:
I bought some Jalapenos from Bunnings and grew them over winter, I ate one last night with some Tacos and it was too hot for me to bite, and this is with using Scorp's Naga sauce in the taco mince. I know, weird, seeing we (the girl and I) eat Habs all the time, it could have been a one off, or it could have been a combination of the sauce and the Jalapenos ... either way I should go and eat another to see if they are actually that hot, or it was my mind playing tricks on me ... its probably the latter rather than some mutant superhot jalapeno.

Last year was the only time I was disappointed with Bunnings. My one off was bad and yours turned out good, just the luck of the draw.
stillmanz said:
I have a heap of chochalate hab seedlings for sale for a dollar each. there only small but once repotted off they will go.

Sweet, I'll call over when I get back from central Queensland. I'd like to grab 12 if you still have them by the time I return.

Can never have enough habs I reckon :)
Taj said:
At Bunnings in Perth, we have Red Habs, Orange Habs, Choc Habs and the little white candy looking habs, already in stock. This is the first year I have seen anything besides red/orange habs being sold ... hmm ... choc habs at Bunnings for $2 each at 6" tall already ... hmmm ... :D

FYI, I have never had problems with anything being mislabled at bunnings, in regard to chillis, but I hear a lot of other people have, just been lucky I guess.

Those seedlings from Bunnings really tease ya, but like the others most of mine have ended up Orange Habs:(. Better waiting for Herbs'r'us to bring theirs out in nurseries;)

Taj said:
I bought some Jalapenos from Bunnings and grew them over winter, I ate one last night with some Tacos and it was too hot for me to bite, and this is with using Scorp's Naga sauce in the taco mince. I know, weird, seeing we (the girl and I) eat Habs all the time, it could have been a one off, or it could have been a combination of the sauce and the Jalapenos ... either way I should go and eat another to see if they are actually that hot, or it was my mind playing tricks on me ... its probably the latter rather than some mutant superhot jalapeno.

WOW! Too hot for you. Now I didn't think I would read this!
Got some nice looking Superhot seedlings that we will have to sample when they fruit hey Taj?

Hey Bones, good luck in hunting down Fresh Habs. Being the start of the season, most of us won't have any for at least 3 months:shocked:
