pruning BY topping and pruning I've created a monster

One of my hybrids went into the ground last October and it's just incredible the growth and production.  The recent "too late to top" post caused this post without hijacking his.  I'm topping and pruning this plant every other week and use a step ladder or climb onto the roof to do so.  I gave up on trying to keep up with picking pods and now letting them ripen and drop.  I'm keeping it cut to 10' but its just bushing out like nuts.  Its sibling started in March is to the right and now touching the roof also.  Both plants are well staked and tied up.  The several little ones below are a scotch bonnet, 3 yr old jalapeno and a few Serrano's.  Also eggplant and various other garden foods.  The challenge is keeping it from getting out of hand and I think I've lost.  It's still loaded with pods and flowering again.
My last post drew critics calling BS that I can get 4 generation in a year and thats cool because they don't plant here.  No reason to entertain their BS.  F9 on that strain is now above ground and I expect a pod in 3 months. 
Hybrid of what? Would love to see some up close and personal pics of the main stem and various branch points.
Damn zooming in on that plant it looks like there are pods 8 feet off the ground
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Awesome plant, I still say you can't get 4 generations from a Chinense in a year ;)
Your entitled to your opinion no matter how incorrect it may be.  In the NE I'd agree with you even with an indoor grow.
BTW the 2.5 yr old Reaper is in that first pic lower left and its blooming yet again for the third time this year.  It's a little yellowed due to over watering from a few brief heavy rains that the roof dumps right on it.
Nuclieye said:
Your entitled to your opinion no matter how incorrect it may be.  In the NE I'd agree with you even with an indoor grow.
BTW the 2.5 yr old Reaper is in that first pic lower left and its blooming yet again for the third time this year.  It's a little yellowed due to over watering from a few brief heavy rains that the roof dumps right on it.
I think you are calling each harvest a new generation. If it takes a C. chinese 100 days to produce fruit that is 100% ripe under the best case scenario, how do you get 4 generations in the same year?
If you have a magic secret please do share :)
I am not trying to bash you at all, just trying to understand what you mean...
Each generation in my attempt is several seeds from the last gen grown out to where I harvest a pod and do the same again.  Mostly indoors in the grow room.  Then the plant goes outside to grow up.  Call BS, its cool.  I have good results and thats what I'm interested in.  Not a competition here.
Nuclieye said:
Each generation in my attempt is several seeds from the last gen grown out to where I harvest a pod and do the same again.  Mostly indoors in the grow room.  Then the plant goes outside to grow up.  Call BS, its cool.  I have good results and thats what I'm interested in.  Not a competition here.
Cool, happy harvesting. 
Neel said:
Is this the same beast you posted in the growdown topic?
It is the mother plant of my entry but I clearly over did it on the nute's and the plant has pods now but only 12" tall.  Sure I'm a loser on it.
Nuclieye said:
It is the mother plant of my entry but I clearly over did it on the nute's and the plant has pods now but only 12" tall.  Sure I'm a loser on it.
Not sure if I should be detecting sarcasm but I was referring to this one:
Nuclieye said:
I'd like to offer my current hybrid wild Chiltepin / Reaper cross in its F3 condition as an interesting candidate.  The plant seen here is now 6 1/2 months old and 8' 4" tall.  The short one beside it was topped several times.  Very prolific and currently setting thousands of pods that start verticle then turn down and ripen about 1" long.  Is certainly a super hot and still has the Chiltepins way of little lasting burn.  Makes great hot sauces.  Does best in partial shade.

Edit: Just realised this post is quite old so can't be the same ones. Both are massive though, "happy" my balcony plants dont get this big
That plant died out and the small one next to it grew over into and around its support cages.  Cages still there now helping support its next gen.  Would still be a good candidate for the next growdown IMHO.
Don't you just love harvesting in this heat? HAHA. I think it's something only AZ people can understand. It gets hot elsewhere but not AZ hot... Great looking plant holy cow! What part of PHX you in? We used to grow the biggest sunflowers in Happy Valley. How is the taste on that cross?