contest C.I.T.D. Aftershow

The TD's are all in good fun, LB, so NP.

One thing I do want to point out, is that it seems you may be confusing "seasoning" with "heat". (I'll acknowledge that may not be the case, but this is a fairly common confusion.) It is very possible to make a very well-seasoned dish without any heat whatsoever (yeah, sacriledge on this site, I know.... but it's true.) Similarly, it is quite possible to make a very hot dish with little seasoning. I prefer a combo of well-seasoned along with more heat, but my son prefers well-seasoned with lesser heat. So, for example, the catfish filet I prepared for my son was just as blackened as my own, but it didn't have the naga powder on it. You might consider trying upping the seasoning without upping the heat when you cook for your fam, and see if they don't end up surprising you a bit.
I actually omitted the heat completely from the fish...the family likes their fish a tad under-seasoned. was a spanking good meal, and the beans were off the charts. I've been over seasoning pintos with a bunch of fancy stuff...your combo was perfect.
Yeah, when I moved to Ohio I moved to BLAND country - part of why I started growing my own. Found I did still have a pic of one side of the fish that was uncooked, which will give you an idea of how much seasoning I used. I actually used a bit less than I normally do, because I know my camera tends to darken the pics, and I didn't want the pics to look like the food was burned (yeah, you guys have seen that kind of pic from me before....)


That's some good eats there!